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<p>I enjoy writing this blog, and judging from our website traffic, a lot of people enjoy reading it as well. (Including a number of our competitors!) But once in a while you just want to sit back, grab the remote, and do some channel surfing.</p> <p>Recently, MeetTheBoss TV queried our own Brent Black about the opportunities and best practices in the field of output management. Click the video below to see the full segment. </p> <div class="video-container"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"> </iframe> </div> <p> While you&rsquo;re grabbing a snack, here are a few highlights: </p> <ul> <li>Printing costs way more than most of us think &ndash; for every dollar spent on print hardware, consumables, and support, another nine dollars are spent on burdened costs</li> <li>Document challenges include lack of hardware &amp; software standardization, impact on service level agreements, and more</li> <li>The challenge for CIOs is to break down organizational silos that prevent their teams from implementing a holistic approach to managing documents</li> </ul> <p>The benefits go far beyond immediate cost savings. Improving the way your organization manages and uses documents can give your business a long term competitive edge. Be sure to watch for LRS on<a href="" target="_blank"> other MeetTheBoss episodes.</a></p>
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