As mentioned in last month’s Blog, LRS was excited to exhibit at this year’s Citrix Synergy 2016 event in Las Vegas. Flipping through the pictures Citrix posted from the event, it looks we weren’t the only ones having a good time. From training sessions to keynote addresses to networking events, attendees were immersed in the important topic of digital business transformation.
Over at the Synergy Solutions Expo, our crew was mentally steeling themselves for a three-day tour of duty in the LRS booth. For those who have never been on the “exhibitor side” of a trade show, let’s say it’s not always as fun as it looks. The hours can be long and physical demanding (lots of standing, moving equipment, etc.). But the worst part is the boredom that sets in when most participants are in sessions and not in your booth.
Not this time. In his recap of the show, our lead presenter said, “The Citrix Synergy show was by far the best event I have participated in while at LRS. The customer conversations were highly interactive and a number of people came up to ask specific questions. We used up all of our brochures in the first half of the first day, and had to call back to the office to have more shipped overnight.”
The team said there were about 4,800 total attendees at the show from approximately 2,400 different Citrix customers. Boredom was not a problem, and they were far too busy to notice their sore feet. Often, all four LRS representatives were answering questions about Citrix printing issues like how to map Citrix printers to physical devices, how to incorporate Direct IP printing into their VDI environments, etc. All of which generated a lot of interest in our recently-enhanced VSPA (Virtual Session Printer Agent) product.

“Ah-Hah moments” at the Synergy show
The LRS team gave countless live product demos in our booth and answered hundreds of questions about:
- Eliminating Windows print servers
- Citrix Master Image Management
- LRS integration with Epic, Cerner, and other healthcare EMRs
- Driverless printing in Citrix environments
- LRS software in high availability configurations
- VPSX extensions for mobile printing
- Differences between XenApp and XenDesktop print configurations
There was a surprising level of interest in optimizing document delivery across Citrix landscapes. The constant stream of great questions kept our team engaged all three days.
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As usual, there was also a lot of interest in our booth design, which features over a ton of ice that is carved by hand each morning before the show starts.

The iceberg imagery reminds visitors to look beyond the obvious and remember the big picture. When looking for print savings, many organizations focus solely on those costs visible on the surface: paper, toner, equipment fees, etc. But, like an iceberg, the bulk of the savings is actually found below the surface; things like less staff time spent on Citrix printing, fewer print servers required, and improved IT & staff productivity.
All in all, we met a lot of great people, had many productive conversations, and learned that the Synergy show is definitely an event worth attending. See you next year!