We’ve all experienced it. You call the help desk to report a problem and find the call to be anything but helpful.
When help desk tickets are repeatedly passed from one support team to another, I like to call it "ticket ping-pong." Usually this is not caused by a lack of responsibility or skills within individual teams. Each team really doesn't see the incident as relevant to their technical silo — or honestly can't find any errors in their area. They all feel perfectly entitled to assign the ticket to another team or even reassign it to the team that referred it to them in the first place.
And so the " ping-pong " continues.
Unfortunately, from the end user’s perspective, the incident is not resolved while these reassignments go on. The situation can easily escalate into SLA violations, fines, and of course annoyed end users.
During our recent user conference in Munich, a customer presented the following scenario, which they said was not uncommon before they installed LRS VPSX software:

Admittedly, this situation (which was presented with a lot of humor) might make one smile inside – anyone along the way could have come up with the idea of rebooting earlier.
IT departments in many companies face these and similar problems every day. Highly qualified specialists are torn from, frankly, more important tasks and forced to look for solutions instead of being able to devote themselves to much more productive activities.
If this sounds familiar to you, please get in touch with us. We can put an end to this back and forth — game, set, and match.