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BYOD Druck

In the modern workplace, employees want the flexibility to work where they want, when they want, and on whatever device they prefer. LRS BYOD printing solutions enable employees to print the business-critical documents they need for their work, regardless of which client device they are using.

The LRS product suite supports printing from smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, as well as virtual and physical Windows desktops. Instead of maintaining a separate server to manage remote printing of wireless devices, your IT department can use a single LRS server for all BYOD printing, desktop printing, and business application printing. This gives administrators a single point of control for managing documents created on any platform, in any format, and for delivery to any destination.

LRS's mobile printing solutions offer users multiple ways to print from their own devices. Employees can:

  • Email print jobs from any mobile device to any operating system.

    Simply email attached documents to the LRS Mobile Connector solution, which verifies users' printing rights before passing the output to a printer. This allows companies to easily manage print output in heterogeneous BYOD printing environments.
  • Use the free VPSX Print App on any supported Apple® IOS® Or Android® Device. This provides an easy way to bring enterprise-level BYOD printing capabilities to Apple iOS or Android devices while improving the security and management of business-critical documents.

    Mobile Connector software converts each document from its original file type to a standard PDF format and sends the document for advanced formatting and then printing. LRS's remote printing solutions provide a platform-independent central control point that eliminates the need to define and maintain tedious Windows® Print Servers, printer queues, and printer drivers.

Die mobile Drucksoftware von LRS unterstützt Ihre Mitarbeiter und IT-Kollegen:

  • Unterstützung des Remote-Drucks von mobilen Geräten und Laptops Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu jedem beliebigen Ausgabeziel
  • Einfache Verwaltung von Druckertreibern, Queues und Geräten ohne eine separate mobile Drucklösung.
  • Vereinfachung der BYOD-Druckinfrastruktur durch Nutzung Ihrer vorhandenen VPSX-Software.
  • Mobiles Drucken mit unübertroffener Benutzerfreundlichkeit für die gesamte Dokumentenausgabe.

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