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Eliminate Windows print servers with LRS Workplace printing

Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 ended January 2020 

Will you migrate or eliminate your Windows Print Servers?

Microsoft stopped supporting Windows Server 2008 in January 2020, this means the end to regular security updates, leaving your IT infrastructure outdated and unprotected.  Windows Server 2012 will stop being supported in 2023 just 4 years later. Question is: what will you do both now and in the future when Microsoft announces end of life support?

During this time organizations using Windows Server 2008 are taking the opportunity to evaluate their options. The most common of these are:

  • Upgrade to the next version - Windows Server 2012
  • Upgrade to the newer version - Windows Server 2016 or 2019
  • Move to a cloud hosted infrastructure.

All of the options above are time intensive, costly and moves your IT department away from innovative activities for the business and onto “stabilizing” your infrastructure. For a limited time only. One thing is certain: as long as you have Windows print servers, you will have to deal with upgrades every few years. And your IT administrators will spend a fair portion of time on maintenance for other upgrades and updates for software installed, such as print drivers or a print management solution. The cloud will limit the time needed for maintenance, but comes with some concerns of its own. One of them being the cost associated with it. Which is why we would like to present you with a cost efficient and highly effective alternative which offers instant ROI.

Eliminate while you Migrate

Why not eliminate print servers as part of this project so you can take them out of the equation for good? The time when we depended on Windows print servers is long gone. Hardware has gone through such immense changes that they have become highly intelligent and no longer require the print servers for managing and translating print jobs. Instead, print servers are used as a middleware to organize print jobs. The larger the variety of throughput, the more obstructions that can occur. Often problems are resolved by simply adding yet another server. But the more are added, the more difficult it can be to determine errors and resolve them. All the more reason to replace print servers with one solution that centrally manages all print jobs enterprise wide.
Removing print servers and replacing them with an LRS solution offers the following benefits:

  • Centralized printer management, one point of control over all printing devices
  • Automated print driver management, all drivers (32 bit and 64 bit) are stored in a repository and deployed automatically
  • One server means only one configuration or update to perform versus one for each print server
  • Cut costs for storage and maintenance of multiple print servers
  • Increase availability by making printing possible even when a connection to the server is lost
  • Quickly identify and resolve printing problems
  • Allow end users to find and install printers without helpdesk interference
  • Options for LAN or direct IP printing to protect bandwidth

These and more benefits will simplify IT within your organization and reduce operating costs, while end users experience more convenience and autonomy.

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