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Print Auditing & Reporting | LRS Output Management

Print Auditing and Reporting

Knowing who accesses what data is important for all commercial and public organizations. Laws demand organizations to closely supervise and log data being transferred. The print process is one of those processes that requires close monitoring. In today’s work environment it has become more complex to keep records of who printed what/where and on which device. It was easier to monitor and track printing when employees were restricted to printing via the corporate network and on company devices.

Over the years, printing has changed. From anywhere, anytime printing – referring to either secure pull print where a user can walk up to any device and release prints OR to remote employees using a variety of devices at different office locations OR both. The solutions that could monitor and audit such processes quickly arose and were able to capture records of all print transactions, though all still part of the corporate network.

The next adaptation organizations needed to make was to cater for a mobile workforce that was not on the corporate network. Mobile printing solutions already supported this in a way but printing was still safely tied to the corporate network. Now, organizations need to allow printing over public connections and to non corporate devices. How to manage and secure those print processes?

Changing times demand flexible solutions

Throughout these phases LRS has tailored its solution suite to match the changing requirements. User authentication was the key to each customization. So even today – in a world that must allow for flexibility but without compromise when it comes to security – print is monitored and audited like it was before. Each access and print documented and available for reporting purposes. To learn more about how LRS solutions address this need, visit our page on the new Internet Printing feature – no VPNs or WAN expansions needed.

Reporting is not just a security requirement. It is also a vital component for a company’s cost calculation and TCO. Knowing the activities surrounding print will help determine most cost efficient ways to deliver output. It can also help with device consolidation. Especially with the provision of print moving outside of the company, it is likely that hardware is less utilized at office locations compared to how they were before.

LRS Reporting Software - The only tool you will ever need

Your software should support your current and future needs. While the world is quickly changing, we change with it. Our solutions have been adjusted to support a remote workforce, people working from home or in public places. Trust LRS to manage your printing processes from any origin, to any destination.

In conclusion:

  • A full document audit trail is needed for security purposes. Regardless of where and when and how an employee prints company information. A print record should be stored and made available for reporting purposes.
  • Records will indicate potential cost savings, with print rules or print policies – which can be applied / enforced even when an employee is not connected via the corporate network.
  • Reports allow organizations to assess and analyze the use of hardware and can help consolidate the print fleet for additional cost savings.

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