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Managed Print Services

Next Generation Managed Print Services

Looking beyond toner, cost per page and MFPs

Managed Print Services are a great way to structure and organize your IT environment. If you’re a large organization and you don’t currently have a Managed Print Service arrangement, you should definitely consider the advantages. 

If you are looking for LRS Managed Services, please visit this page

Typically, the first Managed Print Service you implement will focus on your office or workplace environment. Together with your chosen vendor, they will work with you to assess, design and implement the optimal printer infrastructure and services model for your business. 

The first implementation step will likely be to identify proprietary, often expensive-to-operate single function printers. These will be replaced with efficient MFPs to reduce the overall cost per page. Together with the management and automation of consumables, most businesses see a cost saving of between 20 and 30%. The problem is you can't see this cost reduction again because now your printer fleet is optimized.  

So how can LRS help in your next generation MPS?

More cost savings

Eliminate print services and printer specific hardware

Document security

End-to-end encryption and pull printing authentication

Printer vendor independence

Move MPS vendors easily with no loss of service for your stakeholders

Innovation and improved end user experience

Add additional services like mobile, VDI or policy printing

Extending your MPS to the back office

Include application printing such as ERP or Mainframe your MPS

Watch a video to learn more

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