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LRS Output Management

Cloud Printing

Cloud print graphic

Interested in Cloud Technology?

Are you considering cloud software, cloud computing and or maybe cloud technology in general? Perhaps you’ve been given the task to find a way to manage cloud printing for your company. Are you curious about whether it’s possible to manage printers from the cloud? Maybe you’re looking for a cloud print solution but are unsure what type of cloud-based printing solution is right for your organization?

Read on for more about cloud managed printing options.

The Leader in Enterprise Printing Now Offers Cloud Printing

LRS is the leader in enterprise print management. With the recent introduction of LRS CloudPrint we have made the natural evolution into cloud managed printing by offering a cloud-based printing solution for the marketplace. To be certain, there are other enterprise cloud solutions on the market, but few have the expertise and legacy of an experienced enterprise output management company such as LRS behind them. Cloud print management done right.

LRS CloudPrint is an easy-to-use, low-cost, scalable cloud managed printing option available for small to medium sized organizations that are looking for a cloud-based printing solution. It eliminates the need for complex internal IT infrastructure and cloud print queues are managed through a portal that is easy to manage by a single staff member.

Interested in Cloud Technology?

LRS CloudPrint is Easy, Affordable, Adaptable and Free for a 30 Day No-Risk Trial

Cloud print image on a laptopLRS CloudPrint is a low-cost, easy-to-use solution. It eliminates the need for an organization to have its own internal IT infrastructure, and staff to manage it along with your cloud printing.

A single administrator manages the set-up from a cloud print portal making printing transparent to end-users. It’s a low-cost solution and scales with your business as it changes and grows. You’ll only pay for what you need. And your software will never be obsolete; updates are done automatically so you’ll always be on the most current version. One less headache.

LRS CloudPrint offers users these key features (and more):

  • Low cost-only pay for what you need/use
  • No need for IT and print servers
  • Uses Microsoft Azure AD for security/authentication
  • Uses a single admin portal
  • Offers tracking/reporting capabilities
  • Provides mobile cloud printing and pull printing capabilities
  • Service updates are delivered automatically
  • Has built in printer driver management
  • All data is encrypted in motion and at rest
  • Is available to try free for 30 Days

Try LRS CloudPrint Risk-Free

Try LRS CloudPrint for free for 30 days. All You will need is to have an Azure® Active Directory tenant. The 30-day free trial is restricted to 25 users but your users can print as much as they like during the free-trial period.

You can install as many printers and pull printers as needed to test your devices. If at the end of 30 days you haven’t made a decision about whether LRS CloudPrint is right for you, your LRS CloudPrint data and printer set-up will be kept for 120 days. If you decide to subscribe to LRS CloudPrint, you won’t lose any time getting started. And if you choose to not proceed with LRS CloudPrint and want your data purged, you’ll simply enter a support request via the Account Management portal.

There’s no risk to you so why not give LRS CloudPrint a trial run?
Make cloud printing easy. Choose LRS CloudPrint.

Get Started