Try LRS CloudPrint Risk-Free
Try LRS CloudPrint for free for 30 days. All You will need is to have an Azure® Active Directory tenant. The 30-day free trial is restricted to 25 users but your users can print as much as they like during the free-trial period.
You can install as many printers and pull printers as needed to test your devices. If at the end of 30 days you haven’t made a decision about whether LRS CloudPrint is right for you, your LRS CloudPrint data and printer set-up will be kept for 120 days. If you decide to subscribe to LRS CloudPrint, you won’t lose any time getting started. And if you choose to not proceed with LRS CloudPrint and want your data purged, you’ll simply enter a support request via the Account Management portal.
There’s no risk to you so why not give LRS CloudPrint a trial run?
Make cloud printing easy. Choose LRS CloudPrint.
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