Obtaining Cirrato One software
The software with key can be obtained by sending an email to
Cirrato.Order@lrs.com. You will receive an email with a link to download the software and key. Software maintenance can also be requested by sending an email to Cirrato.Order@lrs.com. The download will include the latest versions of all the Cirrato One products (Cirrato One Server, Cirrato One Windows Client, Cirrato One Mac Client, etc.)
Please note the following: the key will be named Cirrato.lic and needs to be renamed to Cirrato.reg before loading to the registry.
The above is only valid for obtaining the Cirrato software and documentation. Not for license requests. You can send requests for POC, test, trial and/or NFR licenses to
If you have any questions about this process, please contact your LRS Partner Manager / LRS Account Manager or email us at
cirrato.support@lrs.com (EMEA and APAC) or cirrato.NAsupport@lrs.com (US).