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How can I configure Drivve | Image to send an email in the case of an error?
To use the functionality described in this article, the following conditions have to be met:
  • To send emails using an SMTP server, the module Scanner Power Tools (SPT) has to be licensed.
  • To send emails using a Microsoft Exchange Server, the module  Exchange | Fax Connector (UEC) has to be licensed. In addition, an Exchange Server data source has to be configured (see  How do I create an Exchange Server data source in Drivve | Image?).
How can I configure Drivve | Image to send an email in the event that an error occurs?
Sample error
The output folder was configured to be on a network share and the server of the share is down.

To configure email notification, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the Drivve | Image configuration program.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.

  3. Select the Notification tab.

  4. Configure the required settings.
    The following settings are available:

Email preferences Details
Server Select the required email server.
Port Shows the used port. Default port is port 25.

Select the port to be used:

  • Using the default port
    Tick the Default checkbox.
  • Using another port
    Clear the Default checkbox and enter the required port into the Port field.
SSL Tick the SSL checkbox to send email with SSL encryption.
SMTP authentication

If your server required SMTP authentication, proceed as follows:

  • Tick the checkbox SMTP authentication.
  • Enter the user name and the password of the user to be used for accessing the server.
Sender name Select the user displayed as sender.
Sender email Select the sender email address.
Recipient email Enter the email address of the user to be notified
Prefer logged on users credentials Tick this checkbox to notifiy the user logged on at the device.
CC ()


This field is only available if the checkbox Prefer logged on users credentials is ticked.


Tick this checkbox to send a carbon copy to the email address entered in the fiels Recipient email.

Test settings


Do use this button only after you have configured all settings on the Notification tab.


Click this button to test whether a connection to the selected email server can be established. Drivve | Image tries to send a test email using the select email server.

Enable email notification

Tick the checkbox Enable email notification to be able configure the settings for email notification.

Default subject and message text Enter a default subject and a default message text. For both, you can use variables (see  Working with variables).

Note: Test-email failed
If no test email could be sent, an error message is displayed. In this case, proceed as follows:
  • Click OK to close the error message.
  • Verify the setting of the Notification tab and correct them if required.
  • Click the button Test settings again.


  1. Click OK to confirm your settings.
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