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How do I install online updates for Drivve | Image?
To use the functions described in this article, the following conditions have to be met:
  • The Drivve | Image module Scanner Power Tools (SPT) is licensed.
  • Drivve | Image version 6.0 or higher is used.
  • An existing Internet connection is required.


Caution: Drivve | Image Update Assistent only available for Drivve | Image Version 6.0 and higher
The Drivve | Image Update Assistent is only available for Drivve | Image Version 6.0 and higher. Thus, you cannot use the Drivve | Image Update Assistent to update from any version prior to 6.0 to version 6.0.


With the Drivve | Image Update Wizard, you can search for the latest online update. If an update is available, the wizard displays a corresponding message. Then, you can download and install the update with a single click.


To install online updates for Drivve | Image, proceed as follows:


Caution: Installation and support of beta versions
  • Updates of beta versions must not be installed before consultation with the Drivve support team.
  • Beta versions are not supported by the Drivve support team.


  1. Start the Drivve | Image configuration program.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Check for updates.
    The Drivve | Image Update Wizard is started and searches for updates.

    If an update is found, a corresponding message is displayed.

    Note: No update found
    If no update is found, a message is displayed indicating the your Drivve | Image software is up to date.


  3. In the message, click Yes to install the update.
    The update is downloaded and installed. If the update installation finished, this is shown in the user interface of the wizard.

  4. Click the Close button.


How can I undo an online update?
Proceed as follows:
  1. Stop all Drivve services.
  2. Go to the Drivve | Image installation folder (...\Program Files (x86)\Drivve\Drivve Image).
  3. Open the backup folder.
  4. Open the folder of the latest backup:
    This folder contains the two folders: commonfiles and installdir.
  5. Copy the content of the commonfiles folder to the folder ...\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Drivve.
  6. Copy the content of the installdir folder to the folder ...\Program Files (x86)\Drivve\Drivve Image.
  7. Restart the Drivve services.
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