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Drivve | Image Release Notes (until Version 9.10.310)
Note: Online Updates
Starting with version 6.0, Drivve | Image provides online updates. If you do not find the setup of a Drivve | Image release on the Drivve website, the release is available as online update only. 

Please note: 
  • Only minor updates (updates within one version) are available as online updates.

  • Major updates (updates for a version change) are NOT available as online updates
    In the case of a major update, you have to download the setup from the Drivve website and install it.


New Release Notes available here


Release Notes Version 9.10.310 (September, 21th 2022)

Error Corrections
  • Route from UDL to device profile did not work as required.
  • FTP output settings could no be saved.
  • OCR zone - Last page checkbox did not work.

Release Notes Version 9.10.275 (June, 7th 2022)

  • Added support for Azure App and GraphApi Email distributor. New data source available: Office 365/Azure
  • Barcode filter provide new options: "Barcode does not start with", "Barcode does not end with".
  • Restricting the use of the simulator due to security purposes.
  • Lexmark ESF3: Stabilized deployment on older Lexmark devices.
  • Improved SMTP Email output.

Release Notes Version 9.8.280 (Mai, 25th 2022)

  • HP - Changed MFP default compression scanner settings to "high".
  • Simulator is now available, if there are only Drivve Image desktop clients registered.
Error Corrections
  • Improved quality of images after conversion with IRIS.
  • Service folder, which was out of the service could not be deleted.
  • Drivve Image converted greyscale PDF to monochrome PDF.
  • AD users and groups were not show up correctly on the permissions window.
  • An error message is now shown, when choosing a One Drive folder with too many subfolders.
  • Delete Blank pages resulted in an error when running the test within Drivve Image.
  • Fixed the issue where opening a PDF file with password did not work.

Release Notes Version 9.8.240 (March, 21th 2022)

New Features
  • Added Regular expression as filter option to the Barcode separation.
  • Added the option to access the logged in user groups information.
  • Added File Size as a variable.
  • Added function 'Reverse Order' in all tree fields.
  • Added an option for changeable values for margin within the blank page deletion.
  • Added 'PDF rendering with increased DPI' within barcode recognition settings.
  • Support Print from Microsoft Office 365 / Azure OneDrive and Teams.
  • Added new scan setting for Konica Minolta devices 'Mixed original'.
Error Corrections
  • Exported documents using IRIS format resulted in inverted colors.
  • Text Functions: Function closing brackets were ignored.
  • In some cases specific barcodes were not recognized.
  • AD users and groups did not show up correctly on the permissions window.
  • Admin app: Advanced conversion settings for pdf did not show up with a new conversion profile.

Release Notes Version 9.6.490 (March, 10th 2022)

Error Corrections
  • Share Point: Fixed an issue where scanned files were stored in the root folder, instead of the selected folder.

Release Notes Version 9.6.485 (March, 3th 2022)

  • Drivve Image can connect to Drivve DM via HTTPS(SSL).
  • Filename is used, when importing a data source.
  • Add further information to the Xerox template selection window.
Error Corrections
  • Fixed an unhandled error, when adding the Drivve Image app to a Xerox device.
  • In some cases, it was not possible to register a new customer on the license server.
  • In specific circumstances created folders, which were required for the scan processes in the Work/Service folder could not be deleted and prevented further actions.

Release Notes Version 9.6.450 (January, 7th 2022)

  • Change timeout settings within the DM Output.
Error Corrections
  • UDL showed wrong value for available page.
  • In some cases, Root Folder selection into Drivve Image via Azure (OneDrive/Teams) did not work with a 2016 Server.
  • Print Output did not print all incoming files on UDL profile.
  • Fixed that 'automatically merge pages based on barcode' did not work as expected.
  • In some circumstances, append function created an error message within the image processor log.

Release Notes Version 9.6.370 (September, 29th 2021)

New Features
  • Hotfolder with meta file input: DI now ignores the input file until the meta file is available.
  • Drivve Image supports now the new Ricoh devices.
  • The online update folder is now cleaned up, after a successful update.
Error Corrections
  • In some cases, Drivve Image skipped records in the CSV output file.
  • Drivve Image did not save settings in device list if all devices were disabled.
  • In some circumstances Drivve Image inserted the value of the mail subject input field several times in the subject depending on the number of attachments.
  • Fixed that, the Job processor was crashing when converting to Word File format and using IRIS.
  • In some cases, if "Export (Password)" was unchecked when exporting Datasource an error occurred.

Release Notes Version 9.6.320 (August 16th, 2021)

  • IIS setup: By default set Expire Web Content header option for Drivve-Image web app to "After 1 Day"
Error Corrections
  • In some cases, when separation was activated the values for IMAGEFILEPATH and DESTINATION in the XML file were wrong

  • Under certain circumstances One Drivve output did not show the entered folder name
  • Fixed that a warning was thrown by the DM Distributor, each time a document was sent.

Release Notes Version 9.6.300 (July 5th, 2021)

  • ScanFront - Added Auto Color detection
  • Xerox device - Added Auto Color detection
  • Konica Minolta - Support for external USB keyboard on devices
Error Corrections
  • Xerox - Fixed that "Use default scan template", was disabled after reopening Drivve Image
  • In some circumstances Drivve Image service stopped, when to many Mails were in an IMAP Mailbox monitored by UDL
  • ScanFront - Autolong was not available, when selecting original Size
  • In some cases DB output did not work, if values had special characters
  • In some circumstances, specially stamped IATA 2 of 5 barcodes were not recognizable
  • Fixed spelling for Dutch MFP

Release Notes Version 9.6.260 (May 20th, 2021)

  • Adapted IST care settings for Lexmark
  • Added quality settings for Lexmark
  • Added background setting for Lexmark
  • Improved JPEG Compression quality for Kyocera, Toshiba and Scanfront
Error Corrections
  • In certain circumstances an error message occurred within zonal OCR on PDF files
  • In some cases OCR Separation test did not work
  • Combine 1D barcodes with IATA 2 of 5 lead to an error
  • Universal Datasource - Fixed that "Input is mandatory" had no effect
  • In specific cases database output did not work with SQL input fields
  • In certain circumstances the default value for monochrome compression was changed

Release Notes Version 9.6.220 (April, 26th 2021)

New Features
  • UserPrincipalName is available in the AD variables list and will be filled if a user is logged on 

  • CustomConfig - In a profile, it is now possible to change properties for more then one Device for the same Type in the CustomConfig.xml
  • Konica Minolta - Added the option to set a value for background removal within the scanner preferences
  • Added support for IATA 2 of 5 barcode
Error Corrections
  • In certain cases the IIS Config tool show success message, even though an error message appears
  • Barcode separation behaves differently with regular barcode recognition and expected barcodes per page feature activated
  • In some cases the Variables and Functions window is blank in the ROUTE output
  • Fixed the Universal data source test function
  • In individual cases {FAX_TO} breaks when <ADS:AccountName> was populated
  • In certain circumstances the Drivve Image online update did not stop Drivve Jobs / Drivve DM Conversion service during the update
  • On occasion that IRIS Word conversion lead to messed up document

Release Notes Version 9.6.110 (February, 15th 2021)

Error Corrections
  • In some cases 'TNCSButtonControl.ocx' error message was shown after first startup

  • DrivveImageManagement service had a memory leak and ran out of memory and stopped

  • In certain circumstances Drivve Image online update did not work as required when Drivve Management was installed.

Release Notes Version 9.6.75 (January, 12th 2021)

  • ODBC Output: Additional variables were added in the Add functions and variables section to extend the SQL Statements

  • Implemented Heart-Beat monitoring for DrivveImageService

  • UDL Device: Optimized visibility for the Test button and can be added as DEMO device

  • Allowing configuration of minimum dimensions of pdf image resources for image processing

  • LPR Printer: It is not possible to save an LPR printer without selecting a file port and a label indicates that the LPR only works with file port (*.prn)

  • Drivve Image is cleaning up stored files in Windows temp folder

  • Quiet Zone added for Barcode Recognition

  • 'Auto Color' is no longer reset, after changing to Duplex mode on the MFP

  • Universal Data source: Added Email/Fax options

  • Optimized Erode and Dilate setting for the Barcode Recognition

  • File output option "Append File", shows an error message for incompatible conversion format

  • Change Success message for Azure data source check

  • File output - Input field with RegEx used as part of the file name

Error Corrections
  • LDAP: Error message was given for huge LDAP databases

  • Drivve Image couldn't read QR Barcodes of certain images

  • Xerox: In certain circumstances, Drivve Image doesn't show customer templates

  • Input fields: Cursor jumped to the beginning when deleting successive characters after blank space using backspace

  • No zonal OCR results were written in the output XML in some cases

  • File conversion: PDF Type "Text" within the IRIS PDF settings caused an error

  • In certain cases it was not possible to extract text from searchable PDF

Release Notes Version 9.2.205 (November, 4th 2020)

  • Drivve Image FTP output does not show existing folders with special characters correct

  • FTP output: Does not show existing folders, if FTPS is activated

  • Improved management for large configurations
Error Corrections
  • Density settings did not work for Konica Minolta

  • Barcode separation: crash if you activate "delete separation page after OCR"

  • Advanced Scanner Settings not applying on Toshiba, OKI, Kyocera

  • SQL and LDAP input field can't be used for Bates

  • OCR separation: When "delete separation page after OCR" is activated, the OCR result of the separation page is not available

  • Device Management: OK button greyed out when adding new devices

  • Multiple OCR Zones: Can't delete OCR Zone while OCR separation is enabled

  • Barcode separation: Crashes if you activate "delete separation page after OCR"

  • Drivve Image loses licenses after reboot

  • WebDAV output puts a '(1)' at the end of the filename for each file

  • The Sharpness, Background removal Exposure level and Contrast doesn't work on Fujitsu devices

Release Notes Version 9.2.175 (September, 10th 2020)

  • Swedish translation for Job build changed from "Flerdubbel skanna" to "addera jobb"
  • Improvements in the barcode recognition function: Erode and Dilate
Error Corrections
  • Scanfront 400 uses scan settings of the profile used before

  • XML Output: 'Imagefilepath' and 'Destination' have the wrong value, if the second file output is activated

  • Online updated: UI language did not match with the configured setup language

  • QR codes are not properly recognized

  • ODBC Output: Some variables not working with document separation

  • Input: Type label wrong for SharePoint - Folder Selection

Release Notes Version 9.2.155 (July, 30th 2020)

  • WebDAV output does not work with TLS 1.2
Error Corrections
  • After an update, the OCR separation does not work anymore

  • Online update does not check the required .Net framework version

  • Auto-increment in filename is reset after more than 100 documents

  • File Output: Run application does not work properly if there are more than 100 documents

  • Sharepoint datasource - Sharepoint online: Advanced domain setting not working

  • XML Output: Replace changes header of the XML template file

Release Notes Version 9.2.85 (May, 11th 2020)


Drivve | Image 9.2 now requires .Net Framework 4.8 to be installed on the PC. 

New Features

  • Organizing scan profiles in folders: You can now organize scan profiles in folders and that way keep a cleaner interface in the administration app in case you have to manage many scan profiles.
    Please Note
    The folder structure is only a feature in the administration app - the view of profiles on the device panel does not change.
  • New option to pack fonts in PDF files. This feature optimizes fonts used in the PDF document in order to minimize its file size for archiving.
  • Scanning to Microsoft Office 365 / Azure OneDrive and Teams is now supported. New data sources and input field types have been added which allows scanning to Microsoft Azure's OneDrive and Teams.
  • SSL support for Lexmark device application.
  • The Server Processing Licenses are now calculated on a calendar year basis and not on a monthly basis anymore.
  • The "Run Application" feature now retrieves the result of the invoked application. In case the invoked application supports the  Predefined JSon format for controlled application execution it can trigger notifications and log entries.
  • LDAP data sources with ADS now also work using LDAPS (LDAP using SSL)
  • A new drop-down in PDF settings allows the user to select the desired PDF version.
  • New options of how to identify searchable PDF files have been added to the profile settings - OCR tab
  • The default settings for export to Microsoft Excel has been changed from  "Retain no color..." to "Retain text and background color"
  • The text functions of the functions dialog are now supported in the bates stamping and export - document info sections.
  • The explanation text of the Variables and Functions dialog was updated.
  • The SSO cache function is now supported for the DAccs (PCOUNTER) authentication system
  • In the Xerox device scan settings dialog, the setting "Auto Exposure" is now set to "on" by default.
  • The PDF file properties dialog of IRIS PDF and standard PDF have been revised 
  • The Spanish translation of the MFP application was added.
  • For HP devices, a new scan setting 'MixedA3A4' for original size was added.
  • The SSL certificate configuration was implemented in the Drivve Config tool. It allows to select an installed certificate in order to use it within IIS.
Error Corrections
  • Static page separation: if set to one in duplex mode, each documents has two pages instead of one.
  • Barcode separation is not working if rectangle is defined for barcode recognition.
  • An UDL device could be added with host name but the software only supports IP addresses.
  • Database insert feature works only once if you use document separation.
  • An issue was resolved related to the zonal OCR user interface behavior.
  • In the PDF password settings: Enter Password dialog was displayed even though the option is disabled.
  • The database output feature still required NetFramework 3.5. It now supports .Net 4.7.
  • LDAP input field authentication options had wrong labels.
  • The setting 45° within the barcode recognition advanced options was removed as the setting changed to "horizontal and vertical".
  • The simulator did not always work on PCs where WSUS server is installed.
  • Under specific circumstances the search within personal Exchange contacts did not work.
  • In case the Drivve | Image service runs under the local system account, the print features could still be enabled but did not work properly.
  • In the Options dialog: Shared Login - Enable DAccs, cancel add data source causes dialog to loop.
  • The logout button was displayed even though SSO was enabled.
  • Output to database - when parallel jobs are processed, output to database (e.g. Excel via ODBC) sometimes fails.

Release Notes Version 9.0.420 (April, 1st 2020)

Error corrections

  • An issue with LDAP group search was resolved when a different BaseDN than the initial user search is used.

  • File output fails if only Barcode recognition is active.
  • The filter for separation barcode within the variables did not work as expected.
  •  An error log entry "Drivve.Base.DrivveSecurity Error on decryption" could happen in certain cases.
  • Installation on Sharp MX-B456W does not work.
  • Ricoh devices show warning dialog on https server urls with self signed certificates


  • Include actual dpi value for HP device resolution scan settings

  • Optimisation for HP slow scanning performance
  • Support for SSL of Lexmark devices including transfer of large scans
  • Support of variable replacement of scan job description

Release Notes Version 9.0.375 (January, 23rd 2020)

Error corrections

  • If the settings for barcode recognition and the settings for barcode separation use the same barcode, no separation is performed.

  • If you specify an explicit account in the Authentication options in the Output section, they are removed from the backup when the restore operation is performed.

  • When processing a TIF file with only barcode recognition enabled, file output fails.

  • Under certain circumstances, routing a scan from one scan job to another did not work.

  • Image processing error when scanning documents at 400 dpi.

  • For monitored IMAP mailboxes, file names were changed if the original name contained special characters.

  • Under certain circumstances, the installation program displayed an error "System Error &H80004023".

  • Bates stamp does not work with PDF with 'Top right' position and large font size.

  • Certain specially formatted TIFF files could not be loaded and resulted in an error in file output.

  • Color scans with a Xerox device resulted in a processing error.

  • Printing pdf or doc files from Google Drivve does not work.

  • Problem that occasionally causes a "Not enough memory" error when converting an old jpeg format to tiff.

  • An error may occur: Could not lock the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Drivve\Drivve Image\AvailablePageCounter.xml.

  • Parallel job processing: An error message "File C:\Program Files (x86)\Drivve\Drivve Image\msDiAPC.dll' could not be opened" occurred.

  • Fixed problem: "DrivveImageJobProcessor.exe fails because DrivveOsaSettings.xml is being used by another process.


  • The use of WIM (Windows Management Instrumentation) has been optimized to generate less CPU load.

  • The use of text functions for variables is now also supported for PDF file properties.

Release Notes Version 9.0.250 (October 16th 2019)

Error corrections

  • When installing Kyocera devices, an error could occur with the message "KMLCHK_Result_NG_Expired".
  • User-defined SNMP settings were not considered when installing new devices. This caused the installation to fail.
  • The "Turn Preview On" setting in the scanner settings for Konica Minolta devices was not saved.
  • Scans with 8-bit grayscale could possibly create a PDF with blank pages.
  • Problems with umlauts occurred when running scripts.
  • With a certain configuration it could happen that files could not be uploaded to Drivve | DM.
  • The import of several scan profiles may have failed.
  • Changed profile names in the profile priority list were not updated until the application was restarted.
  • Creating folder hierarchies on FTP servers did not work.
  • The mirroring and flipping functions were reversed: flipping caused pages to be flipped and flipping caused pages to be flipped.
  • The background color of the Deskew function was not saved correctly.
  • When updating from version 7.x licenses to version 9.x server processing licenses were not updated correctly.
  • When using Universal Devices there could be problems with the output of the files.


  • Extended SSL support for Konica Minolta devices.
  • For some HP devices, there were delays when starting the application on the device. This has been optimized.
  • The autorotation function was previously performed after barcode recognition. When using barcode zone recognition, this resulted in barcodes not being recognized when pages were rotated. Autorotation is now started before barcode recognition.
  • The Sharp SMF Edition can now also be used with Lexmark devices. (The Sharp specific UI is not supported.)

Release Notes Version 9.0.180 (August 16th 2019)

Error corrections

  • The  Windows update from the Microsoft August patch-day (KB4512508, KB4511553, KB4512501, KB4512516 and KB4512507) is causing an error that leads to unresponsive application.
  • In certain cases, gray scale documents could not be exported as searchable PDF using the IRIS OCR engine.
  • In certain cases, the user interface displayed on the MFD panel showed the wrong edition.
  • The PDF password protection did not use the document open password if the password was entered at the MFD panel.
  • Sometimes files are not uploaded from the Drivve | DM upload queue

Release Notes Version 9.0.155 (July 25th 2019)

Error corrections

  • In certain cases, an error was displayed when redeeming licenses.
  • The installation did not check whether .Net Framework 4.7.2 is installed.

Release Notes Version 9.0.125 (July 1st, 2019) 

New Features

Digitally sign PDF files

  • Digital signing of pdf files
  • Configure a certificate file along with a password
  • Protect pdf files from unwanted changes

Digital document signing is a software-based process that places encrypted data within your document. It should not be confused with electronic signature (e.g., your name typed or drawn into the document)


User defined sorting scan profiles

  • Configure how scan profiles are displayed on the MFD panel
  • Use either ascending, descending or user defined sorting


Password protect Drivve | Image admin application

  • Configure a password to secure the Drivve | Image admin application
  • Make sure only authorized people can modify the Drivve | Image configuration
  • Protect you scan profiles from unwanted changes
  • Includes “Forgot password” function via e-mail


New formats in professional OCR

  • New formats have been added to the professional OCR module:
    • PPTX: Microsoft PowerPoint files
    • ePub: Electronic Publication. EPUB is supported by many e-readers, and compatible software is available for most smartphones, tablets, and computers.
    • XPS: Open XML Paper Specification (also referred to as OpenXPS) is an open specification for a page description language and a fixed-document format. Microsoft developed it as the XML Paper Specification.
    • Html: Html file format. It supports the “all in one file” option where all images are encoded into the html file.


Optimized OCR on text PDFs

A new option in zonal- and full page OCR lets you specify to use the existing text of a text pdf without having to render the PDF to an image and run OCR. That way the performance is dramatically enhanced and also accuracy is improved. The administrator can define the minimum number of characters that the pdf file must contain in order to be identified as a text pdf. In this way, you can ensure that PDF files that contain only a few characters of text - e.g. text stamps, etc. - are not mistakenly identified as text PDF.


Improved PDF compression

PDF compression has been further improved to minimize PDF file sizes.


Use Local System account

Use the account Local System as the account used for the Drivve | Image service and the IIS application. This is required in high-security environments where company policies do not allow to create a separate user account for the Drivve | Image services.


OCR separation and use of OCR zones

Now you can use OCR separation and OCR zones within one scan profile and utilizing both for processing. In earlier versions of Drivve | Image you could not use the OCR zone information of each separated document.


Disable duplex for routing

When routing one document to another scan profile, the duplex option can be turned off. This is useful when you would like to treat a duplex scanned document as a simplex document in document separation.


Document-Open password

It is now also possible to assign a document open password to a PDF independently of the administrator password.

Release Notes Version 8.4.220 (March 19th 2020)

Error corrections

  • If the same barcode type was used for both document separation and recognition, page separation was not performed.

  • An issue where the DrivveOsaSettings.xml file is in use has been resolved.

Release Notes Version 8.4.210 (December 2nd 2019)

Error corrections

  • An issue was resolved using OneDrive for business when the feature Preservation Hold Retention policy is activated
  • Print-back: image conversion to PDF fails if Foxit or Adobe PDF printers are selected
  • In certain cases, the NFR version of the software did not save the output files if no image processing was enabled

Release Notes Version 8.4.145 (September 2nd 2019)

Error corrections

  • The  Windows update from the Microsoft August patch-day (KB4512508, KB4511553, KB4512501, KB4512516 and KB4512507) is causing an error that leads to unresponsive application.

Release Notes Version 8.4.135 (July 10th 2019)

Error corrections

  • In certain cases, an error was displayed when redeeming licenses.
  • The installation did not check whether .Net Framework 4.7.2 is installed. 

Release Notes Version 8.4.120 (June 26th, 2019)  

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • After installing Windows 10 Update KB4503286, scan profiles using the professional OCR engine might not work anymore.
  • PDFs created with Professional OCR might contain non readable text encoding
  • Certain color TIFF images could not be loaded when running OCR

Release Notes Version 8.4.095 (June 6th, 2019) 



  • The IIS configuration tool now uses the logon type batch logon instead of interactive. That way, the user account used for the IIS application and the Drivve Image services does not need the interactive logon right.


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • In special cases, a monitored folder (hot-folder) does not process incoming files anymore
  • Color-mode settings for Ricoh could not be saved
  • Corrected issue with Exchange data sources using domain and user information
  • In some cases, auto-rotation did not work when processing PDF files
  • If a file name contains a dot, the file name tag within the xml output was not written correctly
  • In some cases, the internal housekeeping function did not delete old log files anymore
  • The Sharepoint Managed Metadata field was not working in some cases

Release Notes Version 8.4.040 (March 18th, 2019)

New Features

Support of HP® devices

Drivve | Image 8.4 does support HP® devices. 

Please make sure to check the latest version of the system requirements Drivve | Image Version 7 + 8 to identify supported models.


TLS 1.2 support

Drivve | Image 8.4 does support TLS v 1.2 for applicable devices. 

Release Notes Version 8.2.145 (February 20th, 2019) 


  • Canon ScanFront series: Support for the original size AUTOLONG has been added.
  • Input / field type ODBC query: Full support for HFSQL-DB ODBC sources added.
  • SPL: The windows system file “thumbs.db” will be ignored in a monitored folder, regardless of the profile setup.

Error corrections

  • Licensing: Licenses of different tickets for the same module and with same number of licenses did not properly sum up (example: 2 different tickets for 10 SPT licenses entered for the same installation resulted in 10 available licenses instead of 20).
  • Device Manager: Canon ScanFront 400 devices could not be added explicitly, the UI kept switching back to
  • Universal data source: Changes to an existing data source did not get saved. To apply changes, the data source had to be recreated.
  • Scan job: Under certain circumstances the internal housekeeping function might have deleted an active job’s meta file.
  • Scan Job: When getting multi page documents as multiple single pages from a device, the merge function did not delete the first original file (=first page) of the original file stack after merging. Under certain circumstances this could prevent collecting of new input from monitored folders (SPL).
  • Processing / Convert files: Updating to 8.2.95 activates the 'RC4 128' encryption option for PDF conversion.
  • Processing / Image Processing: If you set a fixed rotation degree for a profile, the setting cannot be reverted to 0.
  • Processing / Zonal-OCR: The I.R.I.S. engine might have returned wrong values if Auto-Rotation was performed on the document.
  • Processing / Convert files: Updated PDF/A conversion profiles might have created PDF format instead.
  • Processing / Bates numbering: Stamp position was calculated before Auto-Rotation, so stamps where misplaced on rotated documents.
  • Output: If no file name has been defined, the output file name was empty (instead of defaulting to a generated GUID).
  • Output / Route: Routing from UDL profiles did not work under certain circumstances because of invalid license checks.
  • Output / Email: The option to split the output into several mails based on file size did no longer work.

Release Notes Version 8.2.095 (December 10th, 2018)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • FTP Output: Setting a custom port for FTP output did not work
  • File Output: OCR Text recognized as belonging into a table structure may not have been added to the complete documents OCR result (e.g. when creating the separate txt file for OCR text within file output)
  • Email Output: Variable <Device Name> could not be used as part of a dynamic email address.
  • SPL / UDL licensing: Wrong warnings about low number of remaining monthly pages may have been issued.
  • Processing / Convert files: A custom defined profile name cannot be saved, it will convert back to default (e.g. "PDF")
  • Device Management: If you tried to add a device by entering the host name, the connect button stays disabled. You had to use the device's IP address. (Using the IP address is still recommended, if manageable).
  • Processing / Image Processing / Border Crop: The setting had no effect, except for b/w images if "Auto color detection" was not activated.
  • Processing / Image Processing / Auto Rotate: Under certain circumstances the activation for the Auto Rotate option has been ignored.
  • Processing / Convert Files / PDF (A): The UI crashed and the configuration program was closed when you tried to open the conversion profile's preferences.
  • Processing / Convert Files / PDF (A):The resulting document was not properly marked up as PDF/A.
  • Processing / Convert Files / any single page picture format: The actual result was always a single page TIF.
  • Processing / Convert files / TIF / Preferences: The change of the compression method "Auto" could not be saved.
  • Translation: "Edit authentication options" was not translated.
  • Image Processing: If blank page deletion and deletion of the separation page was selected for a profile processing duplex scans, the first document page was deleted in case the backside of the separation sheet was empty.
  • Enhanced information in case licenses had to be reassigned after online update to an enhanced feature release version (e.g. update from 8.0 to 8.2)
  • Options / Profile / Print preference: You can now select the preferred method for PDF printing per profile (Foxit, Adobe Acrobat, internal)


Release Notes Version 8.2.045 (September 1st, 2018)

New Features

Support of Ricoh® devices

Drivve | Image now supports Ricoh® devices. All SOP-enabled Ricoh® devices are supported. If a device does not feature a Ricoh®  Smart Operation Panel, please check if there is an optional upgrade available for your model, so the Ricoh SmartSDK, successor of SDK Type-J (SDK/J), Web API and the WebBrowserNX can be made available for the seamless integration of Drivve | Image.


House keeping for backup files

The option to turn on backup creation for scanned documents in Tools/Options/Advanced has been supplemented by a configurable housekeeping.

By opening the configuration of the backup option, you can now set a time for the housekeeping, a file age or size threshold and whether the documents should be permanently deleted or moved to the recycle bin.


Configurable authentication method for file output

As known from other output connectors, the option to use a Windows account other than the Drivve | Image service account or prefer / always use the logged on user's credentials for the file upload has been implemented.


Simplified device registration

An automatic detection mode for the device manufacturer has been added to the device management.


Conversion to secured PDF

An admin password (for unrestricted access) can now either be configured to be set at the device panel or be defined for the profile.

In addition a limited access password can be defined for the profile, as well as which functions can be accessed with this password.


E-Mail output via Exchange Server

An option to try a "Send as" submission of the mail has been implemented, in case no user credentials are available.


Barcode Recognition

An option has been implemented to limit the barcode recognition to front sides only for duplex scans.

An option has been implemented to automatically vary various settings in case the expected number of barcodes has not been found with the defined settings. Accordingly the settings to erode / dilate and retry will only take effect, if the expected number of barcodes has not been found on the unoptimized document.

An option "duplex" has been added to the barcode recognition test mode.


Server Processing Licenses / Universal Device Licenses

To enable the use of duplex-scan specific image processing  (e.g. for barcode or separation page recognition) on documents, that do not origin from an integrated device,  an option Duplex Mode has been implemented for SPL / UDL profiles at Options / Profile Preferences / UDL/SPL. If this option is set, the profile will treat all documents as if they have been scanned in duplex mode. 


Image Processing

Advanced settings for despeckle have been implemented.



An original size setting has been implemented for Xerox devices as an alternative to using Xerox templates. 

Release Notes Version 8.0.895 (August 30th, 2018) 



  • Options/Scanner Preferences/Lexmark/Default: The Lexmark options Auto and Mixed have been added to the list of predefined original size settings.


  • Tools/Device Management: Added support for automatic installation of the Drivve | Image app on new Toshiba devices.


  • The preload process of SharePoint objects has been optimized to facilitate faster connection to large libraries.

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Processing/Image Processing: The Auto Rotate setting was ignored, if it was the only feature activated for image processing.
  • Processing/Image Processing: Under certain circumstances, Deskew in combination with Conversion to a PDF Format with I.R.I.S. as conversion engine, the resulting pages might have been created with different page formats for pages with hand written annotations.
  • Processing/Bates Numbering: The bates stamp was not properly inserted into documents when a searchable PDF format was selected for the output.
  • Processing/Bates Numbering: Some variables did not get resolved as expected when being used as prefix for the bates stamp.
  • Processing/Barcode Recognition: Under certain circumstances barcodes with colored background were only recognized on PDF documents when using a precise recognition zone.
  • Processing/Barcode Recognition: If a recognition zone was defined, the barcode recognition was not properly limited to the defined zone. This did also affect separation by barcodes.
  • Processing/Barcode Recognition: Invalid characters in a recognized barcode, that would violate the XML standard, broke the DI process.
  • Processing/Barcode separation: Under certain circumstances, the recognized separation barcode of a page has incorrectly be passed onto the next page's metadata.
  • Processing/Barcode separation: In duplex mode, the option "delete separation page" only deleted the actual page containing the separation barcode. In duplex mode the expected behavior is that the following page is getting deleted too (deletion of the separation sheet).
  • Processing/Separation by blank page: In duplex mode documents might have been separated if an uneven page was empty, though the following page did contain content. In duplex mode the expected behavior is that only empty sheets (=both sides empty) do trigger separation.
  • Output/Other/Print: The printing of documents might not have worked if the installed PDF reader was Acrobat Reader DC.
  • Output/File Output/ROUTE: Route output did not work if the source as well as the target profiles were UDL profiles.
  • Options/Profile Preferences/Email notification: The variables referring to filename and filepath have not been properly resolved for the notification mail text.
  • Output/Email: The output to Gmail was broken
  • Output/Email: If no name was defined for a recipient, the recipients mail address was extended by < >.
  • Output/OneDrive: Under certain circumstances, connecting with the logged on user was not possible, if the user domain is a fixed part of the template URL.
  • Output/OneDrive: Root couldn't be selected as target directory.
  • Output/Route: If route was defined as output for a profile without active file output, a copy of each output was stored below ...\Drivve\Drivve Image\DefaultOutput
  • Options/Printer/Scan&Print: Activating Scan&Print might have invoked 2 copies being printed instead of one.
  • Server Processing Licenses: If the file name of an input file exceeded a certain length, the processing failed without explicit notice. A clearer message has been included in the logs, in case the total length of processing paths & file name exceeds the restriction of the Microsoft API.
  • If orphaned files (the image file without the metadata file or vice versa), or files created for a profile that has been deleted in the meantime, where found in ...\Drivve\Drivve Image\work\tmp, the Drivve Image process stopped.
  • Print profiles: Under certain circumstances print profiles were no longer shown, if no user was logged on to the device.
  • Datasource/LDAP: It was possible to save a datasource with authentication type Secure(Kerberos) without actually providing user credentials.
  • Lexmark: The Android app did not properly register on some newer framework 5/6 devices. 
  • Lexmark: The option "print after scan" could not be suppressed from the device ui.

Release Notes Version 8.0.845 (June 8th, 2018) 


Server Processing Licenses

  • Too many subfolders prevented proper file monitoring of a  profile's root folder.  A Warning was implemented in the log to point out if too many subfolders do exist.
  • You can check available pages per month and pages still available for the current month by selecting a SPL monitored folder in device management
  • If the Drivve | Image services are stopped while documents are still scheduled for processing, the scheduled documents in the internal Drivve | Image working folder will be processed first after restart of the services. Therefore no new documents will be moved from the monitored folder before the formerly scheduled documents have been processed. This will prevent a flooding of the internal processing lists in case of multiple restarts in short order while the monitored folder contains several thousand documents. 


Universal Device Licenses

  • You can check available pages per month and pages still available for the current month and  by selecting an UDL device in device management.
  • Universal Device Licenses: Variables like original file name, file creation date and time are now choosable in the variables menu for input fields.


Supported file formats from scanning device

  • For some vendors old single page formats could still be configured in the device settings. This resulted in possible issues with current multi page processing services. Therefore old single page image formats (e.g. JPEG) have been removed from the list of default formats to choose in  the manufacturers' device dialogue settings.

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • After update to DI 8.0.790 no profiles were shown on Kyocera devices
  • Some QR codes couldn't be recognized. The barcode reader engine threw a license error.
  • The Output to Drivve | DM had an issue identifying the correct database instance, if the instance ID of one database was the same as the instance name of another database.
  • The settings for "Add OCR text" in DM output did not provide a language list occasionally.
  • The barcode recognition might not have worked if invalid characters (e.g. backspace) were included in the barcode.
  • Universal device licenses - Email-Monitoring: Metadata import via csv file did not work, only import of XML files did work as expected.
  • Universal device licenses - scan to ftp: Some ftp paths, which were shown html encoded in the Drivve | Image configuration interface, did not work as desired.
  • Bates Numbering: If image and text stamping were combined in bates settings, the positions of the applied stamp elements were off.
  • Setting of PDF file properties like title, author, etc. only worked for variable values when converting to searchable formats with the IRIS engine.
  • OCR separation did not work with two AND conditions.
  • Key labels of the Drivve | Image keyboard for various languages and manufacturers have been corrected.

Release Notes Version 8.0.790 (May 2nd, 2018)

Error Corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Under certain circumstances an orphaned meta-file in the internal Drivve | Image directory stopped further job processing until the Drivve | Image services were restarted.
  • Separation by barcode did not work if a filter was set before that did not match the barcode, even if the filter was disabled. The disabled filter criteria was still applied.
  • Sometimes the internal replacement function for illegal characters in file names replaced all characters of the file name by underscores (_).
  • IMAP monitoring - non- image files (e.g. Word documents) got deleted instead of routed to the output target, even if no mime type filter was set.
  • File output: OCR-Zone result could not be exported into the XML file by the corresponding option of the xml preferences.
  • Character list had no effect on zonal OCR result
  • The Test - function of the barcode recognition did not work as desired.
  • Debug folders per job were created under ...\log although debug mode was not enabled.
  • Bates numbering - The number was incremented per page including blank pages that were deleted. This resulted in broken numbering sequences.
  • Separation by barcode - Settings of the image preprocessing was copied to the barcode recognition too.
  • 400dpi scans converted to PDF with IRIS were displayed contorted within the DM viewer.

Release Notes Version 8.0.744 (April 9th, 2018)


Output - Email
TLS 1.2 has been set as the preferred cryptographic protocol for the SMTP connection. 

Furthermore the return messages for failed tests of the email settings after clicking the Test-button have been enhanced to convey more information about the cause of the failure.


Output processing has been changed in the way that if a job with document separation returns more than 100 documents, the upload(s) to the output target(s) will work with batches of 100 documents instead of all documents in one batch.

Error Corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • The Drivve | Image default service used up to 2 GB of memory, as some object classes did not properly release allocated memory.
  • The Drivve | Image service might have stopped processing documents and needed to be restarted before further document processing was possible again.
    Note: If you have been affected by this issue, please make sure no broken Drivve | Image service process is still loaded before updating. Follow these steps before updating:
    - Execute the file  Stop Drivve Image Services.bat with administrative privileges from the Drivve Image installation folder
    - Make sure there are no jobs processed at the moment
    - Stop all processes called "DrivveImageService.exe" via task manager.
  • If "automatically merge pages based on barcode" was selected as option for separation by barcodes, the barcode was repeated in the separated document's metadata for each finding in the original file.
  • Xerox: Older WorkCentre Models with first browser version had issues when scan settings were changed by a profile user.
  • Output - Email: Html email link was always html encoded.
  • Bates numbering: On monochrome images the bates stamp was black, regardless if another color was chosen in the setup.
  • Bates numbering: The Bates variables didn't return the expected values when used as part of the file name.
  • Output / E-mail / Email / Email Distribution: Values in the "Name" field were not used in the sent mail.
  • The behaviour of the Single-Line Mode and Multi-Line Mode checkboxes for regular expressions in the OCR-Separation Text processing section was not working as expected.

Release Notes Version 8.0.680 (March 9th, 2018)


Universal device licenses - Email monitoring
A possibility to limit actual document processing to attachments with defined file extensions has been implemented.


License check for Output to Drivve | DM
The test button for the DM data-source will return a warning if the DM server has no license.

The DM output will report an explicit error that the Drivve | DM server has an license issue, if that is the reason for Drivve | Image being unable to upload a document.



With SPT you can now add OCR-Textoutput to a file output using the Tesseract OCR engine. Previously this was only possible with the OCR module, using the I.R.I.S. engine.



The Box API has been updgraded due to TLS 1.0 deprecation with Box. TLS 2.0 is now supported.

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • When interpreting zones for barcode recognition, the engine mixed up the values for heigth and width.
  • Barcodes couldn't be recognized on PDF documents if they were embedded as text with a barcode font instead of as an image.
  • Barcodes on PDFs always returned an empty value for the Barcode recognition, while testing of the settings as well as the barcode separation process returned the correct values.
  • Setting Output format "searchable PDF" or selecting the "Add OCR text" for Drivve DM output did not create the expected results.
  • Under certain circumstances the selected encoding for conversion to TIFF has been ignored.
  • When setting the file format to JPEG in the scanner preferences for Sharp devices, an outdated warning message was displayed.
  • Files containing dots (.) in the filename got wrong file extensions after conversion.
  • The discontinued fax connectors have been displayed still in the Drivve | Image configuration interface's output section.
  • On a clean server, the Drivve | Image setup skipped the installation folder choice dialogue.
  • In case more than one email was processed in the same email monitoring process, the email subject variable for all attachments has been filled with the first processed mail's subject.
  • Under certain circumstances conversion to PDF formats without I.R.I.S. produced results where all pages got the first page's content.
  • The blank page deletion did not work as expected concerning the margin setting.

Release Notes Version 8, initial release (build 8.0.640, February 5th, 2018)

New Features

Document separation using zonal OCR

It is now possible to separate documents based on contained text. This can be done by defining OCR zones, which are then used to detect separator pages. Extensive text functions, such as Regular Expressions or Text Replacement, are supported to parse or modify the text of an OCR zone.


Support of Lexmark Android Devices

Version 8 now supports the Lexmark Android based devices with the screen size of 1024 x 600 und 800 x 600.


BOX.com Connector

A full BOX.com integration is now available supporting features like folder browsing, dynamic folder and file name generation.


Drivve | Image Desktop Client

With Version 8, a Desktop Client is now available that allows integration into a Windows PC, allowing the user to transfer files directly to a Drivve | Image scan profile via a local TWAIN scanner or through the Send to Windows Explorer function.


Universal Devices replacing Hotfolder licenses

The hotfolder feature known in previous releases have been replaced in version 8 by Universal Devices. The feature allows MFPs to scan documents via Scan-to-SMB or Scan-To-Ftp directly to Drivve | Image. The SMB or Ftp server function is provided by the Drivve | Image services so that it is no longer needed to scan into a Windows folder from which the data was imported.

The Universal Device license has a page limit of 100,000 pages per month.


Server Processing Licenses

For all areas of application in which data is to be processed by third-party applications that pass data through a file folder, the Server Processing License has been integrated. The Server Processing Licenses work in the same way as the hotfolders in earlier versions. The page limit per license is 10,000 pages per month without any restriction with regard to the number of scanning devices or image creating services used to create the content.


Monitor email mailboxes using IMAP

Drivve | Image can now directly monitor email (IMAP) mailboxes and download and process incoming email. In doing so, both the e-mail message text, the sender and recipient data as well as the file attachments can be processed. The functionality is provided by the Universal Device License, which has the page limit of 100,000 pages per month.


Full PDF support

All functions within Drivve | Image now support the PDF format. A previous conversion to TIFF format is thereby eliminated.


Intelligent High Quality Compression for searchable PDF

For searchable PDF files created with the Professional OCR license, a new PDF compression is now available that compresses the files up to tenfold.


New engine for image processing

The program part in Drivve | Image, which is responsible for image processing and analysis, has been completely redeveloped, offering multiple performance and supporting the processing of PDF.


Prioritization of profiles

It is now possible to provide profiles with a higher priority, so that the processing of these profiles is preferred. This is especially useful if it is a scan profile where the user is waiting for data processing - e.g. Scan-to-Email - but at the same time scans with a large number of pages are processed.


LPR support for print-back profiles and Scan & Print

When using print-back profiles as well as the Scan & Print function, the LPR protocol (Line Printer Remote) is now supported. This allows existing third-party print management solutions  to integrate with the Drivve image printing function as Drivve | Image can now pass the print data to an LPD printer queue.



Drivve | Image can now transfer data via FTPS to Ftp servers that support this protocol. With FTPS, the transmission is encrypted. 


New output function: route

In the output area, data can now be transferred to another Drivve | Image profile. This makes it possible to create concatenated work processes in which the data passes through several profiles.


Input type External Field

The new External Field can be used to pull data from an external data source in order to display the data on the panel of the MFP. Tis allows the integration of web services or other external data sources into the panel of the MFP.


Show shares of a server when selecting folders

With a folder selection field all shares of a server can now be displayed.


Authentication for UNC paths with manual input

In the folder selection function, the login credentials of the currently logged on user can be used, provided that he has logged on with username and password.


Intelligent threading for scan jobs

The management of scan job resources has been redesigned, resulting in better utilization of a server's existing CPU resources.

Release Notes Version 7.0.915 (June 11th, 2018)



The Box API has been updgraded due to TLS 1.0 deprecation with Box. TLS 2.0 is now supported.



Too many subfolders prevented proper file monitoring of a  profile's root folder.  A Warning was implemented in the log to point out if too many subfolders do exist.



Added improved support for OKI keyboard which improved key press response time

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Image processing threw an error under certain conditions, error message 'invalid parameter'
  • The 'Change scan profiles' form's functionality might have been broken by invalid characters which were added to the profile names.
  • Some QR codes couldn't be recognized. The barcode reader engine threw a license error.
  • Sort order for Barcode indizes might have been wrong.
  • Sharp: There was a 20 second timeout issue with OSA 5 software-keyboards

Release Notes Version 7.0.870 (October 25th, 2017) 

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • v7 modules in Hotfolder edition showed only 6.000 available pages in license overview while 100.000 pages were licensed and available for processing.
  • Some component DLLs failed to register with online update
  • Hotfolder wouldn't process documents with a certain combination of special characters in the file name

Release Notes Version 7.0.855 (October 16th, 2017) 


Enhanced Konica Minolta Support

Devices are now also supported for the Asia region

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Sharp Cloud Portal Office: storage path generated from Input variables did not work properly.
  • Conversion to PDF version 1.7  PDF/A 2a sometimes failed.
  • Conversion to PDF and PDF/A failed for some documents using the I.R.I.S engine (error code 2009).
  • Online update service recognized the available online update as a newer version, although it was the same version already installed by the full setup.
  • Huge scan amounts can cause a java memory error on Lexmark devices
  • Adding an input field of type OneDrive Folder selection showed Sharepoint error message
  • Sort order for Barcode indizes might have been wrong.

Release Notes Version 7.0.815 (September 13th, 2017) 

New Features


Full support to Box.com has been implemented. A new output target of the type Box.com can be defined.

In addition, creating print profiles to access and select documents stored in Box.com for printing from the MFP display is supported.


Enhanced Kyocera Support

Full support for the Kyocera series TASKalfa 2552ci/3252ci/4052ci/5052ci/6052ci and the TASKalfa 3011i/3511i/4002i/5002i/6002i

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Konika Minolta communication tcp port <> 50666 is not passed on to the MFP
  • Duplex scan errors for certain Kyocera devices.

  • When using an input field of type SharePoint - Folder Selection the value of this field (e.g. named "SharePointFolder") cannot be accessed by other variables.

  • OCR Zonal test only works if page is set to 1.

  • Hybrid environment not working with OneDrive.
  • JPG File Conversion Output in reverse order.
  • The 2nd scan using ScanFront 400 does not work (dependent on network infrastructure) and displays the error message ""Error with the device".
  • The Drivve Image simulator does not default to TIF/TIFF file type.

  • IRIS option disabled in hotfolder profile although an hotfolder OCR license exists.
  • Autoincrement function and Sequential_number variables not working for output to Google Drive.

  • Huge scan amounts can cause a java memory error on Lexmark devices

Release Notes Version 7.0.740 (May 22nd, 2017)

New Features

Full Support for Canon's ScanFront 400
A Drivve | Image web application has been implemented to support full support for the latest Canon ScanFront model.


External keyboard support for Toshiba devices
Support for external keyboards has been implemented for the latest Toshiba EBN devices.


Enhanced License information

Customers with full license can now view the maintenance expiration date on the license information screen.


Enhanced support for Barcode Recognition parallel processing

The barcode recognition results are now sorted by page rather than recognition sequence.


More informative error message in case of repeated trial requests

The error message informing that a trial license had already been requested for the specific server did not show the previously registered customer ID.

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:
  • Under certain circumstances the REPLACE string function did not work as desired when being applied to SQL query fields. 
  • Under certain circumstances the button to check the settings of a SQL data source returned an error while the actual data source connection was working as desired.
  • Under certain circumstances the upload of files from …work\DM_Upload_Queue failed.

  • There have been HypAS.dll errors for various Kyocera models.

  • There has been a problem when working with barcode recognition and document separation set to a fixed number of pages. The engine duplicated the barcode recognition result of the first page of each document to each following page of the same document.

  • The intermediate release 7.0.730 had problems with the online synchronization of the DrivveOSALicenses.xml.

  • The intermediate release 7.0.720 had problems connecting to a data source of type Google Apps.
  • Under certain circumstances documents with Format PDF 1.7 and JPEG2000 compression could not be printed.
  • The online Update Utility showed German text also for English user interface.

  • For some variables the German variable labels were used also in English user interface.

Release Notes Version 7.0.685 (March 28th, 2017)

Error corrections

  • The following errors have been solved in the current version:

    • For some output formats of the file conversion, e.g. jpg and gif files, checking the option "Create OCR text file" under Output / File output had no effect.
    • When using the Sharp Cloud Portal Office folder selection special characters in the folder name have not been properly displayed on the device display.
    • When mapping a Drivve | Image input field to a Sharp Cloud Portal Office index field of the type "list", valid list entries containing special characters could not be properly matched.
    • If profiles had been created without Scan & Print settings, error exceptions might have been triggered when saving those profiles.

Release Notes Version 7.0.660 (March 21st, 2017)

Version 7.0.660 is only available as online update. 

Error corrections

  • The following errors have been solved in the current version:

    • For some output formats of the file conversion, e.g. jpg and gif files, checking the option "Create OCR text file" under Output / File output had no effect.
    • When using the Sharp Cloud Portal Office folder selection special characters in the folder name have not been properly displayed on the device display.
    • When mapping a Drivve | Image input field to a Sharp Cloud Portal Office index field of the type "list", valid list entries containing special characters could not be properly matched.
    • If profiles had been created without Scan & Print settings, error exceptions might have been triggered when saving those profiles.

Release Notes Version 7.0.640 (February 28th, 2017)

New Features

Enhanced Sharp® Cloud Portal Office Interface

Drivve | Image now supports a user to browse the Sharp Cloud Portal Office folder structure to choose a target folder at the device's display.

Further the possibility to control how the connection to the Sharp CPO server is established was enhanced.

The passing on of index values and the support of custom document types was enhanced.

Please refer to  How do I use Drivve | Image to scan documents to Sharp Cloud Portal Office? for details.


Bates numbering using variables of the document separation

The processing function "bates numbering" can now access variables of the document separation.


Improved OCR engine

The I.R.I.S OCR engine, which is used when the OCR module is licensed, has been enhanced as follows:

  • Creation of non linearized PDF files to reduce file size.
  • Reliable recognition of text using fonts of the EcoFont families.
  • Recognition of tables with interrupted frames (e.g. dashed lines).
  • Enhanced OCR accuracy for all types of documents.


Improved user experience of the LDAP data source dialog

Consistency checks have been established to help the user not to configure conflicting settings (e.g. SSL and Kerberos).


Improved barcode recognition

If a barcode was already found on a document before the additional analysis, the additional analysis was skipped. This check is now no longer performed on document level but instead on page level. This improves barcode recognition for scan batches with  documents from various sources and mixed quality in the same batch.


Explicit support for Canon® Scanfront 330

In device management it can now be differentiated between Scanfront 300 and Scanfront 330 devices. This improves the Scanfront 330 integration.


Improved Konica Minolta® integration

Additional information is provided in device management in case the application registration on the device runs into an error.

Error corrections

  • When separate documents was configured to separate after each page the image processing function auto rotate did no longer work.
  • The document viewer component used at various modules of the processing for the "Test the settings" functionality was prone to cause exceptions under certain circumstances.
  • The restriction to a defined recognition zone was ignored for barcode based document separation.
  • Certain colored TIFF documents with JPEG2000 compression caused errors in processing modules (e.g. barcode recognition).
  • Under certain circumstances OKI devices created grey-scale or color files files while in the Drivve | Image configuration monochrome was set.
  • For the PDF target formats of the file conversion variables could not be used to fill document properties.
  • The Drivve | Image setup could not install the www component on Windows 7.
  • The Drivve | Image setup could not register all dll libraries on Windows server 2008 under certain circumstances.
  • When installing Drivve | Image to a server already hosting Drivve | Print the Drivve | Print services where stopped during the installation.
  • When using the option "full page" in the Zonal-OCR module the full page width was not properly recognized under certain circumstances.
  • When using profiles with document separation and e-mail output the recipient address was duplicated for each attachment in the outgoing e-mail.
  • There have been issues with the processing of color jpg-files created by Scanfront devices.
  • Under certain circumstances licenses may have been properly assigned but the license counter was not correctly updated.
  • Under certain circumstances the internal names to reference the barcodes of the document separation had been changed after an update.

Release Notes Version 7.0.535 (November 14th, 2016)


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • If only hotfolder licenses are used, the following error occurs: If you assign the hotfolder licenses to the hotfolders, close and reopen the Drivve | Image configuration program, the license assignment is removed.
  • During the online update, an error occurs.
  • If the features ImagingDocument separation based on barcodes and removal of separator pages as well as PDF conversion are enabled, the separator pages are not removed.

Release Notes Version 7.0.516 (November 2nd, 2016)



Support of new Kyocera TASKalfa devices
The following Kyocera TASKalfa devices are supported now:
  • TASKalfa 2552ci/3252ci
  • TASKalfa 4032ci/5032ci/6032ci
  • TASKalfa 4002i/5002i/6002i


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • During the online update an error occurs.
  • Documents created after the document separation are saved with the wrong index data.
  • It is not possible to send SMTP emails without having activated the authentication option.
  • Instead of the format PDF/A 1.7 2B the format PDF/A 1.4 1B is used as output format.
  • It is not possible to populate the index data fields of the selected Sharp Cloud Portal document type with index data from Drivve | Image.

Release Notes Version 7.0.500 (Octobre 17th, 2016)


New Features


Support of Konica Minolta® devices
Drivve | Image now supports Konica Minolta® devices. All browser-enabled Konica Minolta® devices are supported. However, there are also Konica Minolta® devices not browser-enabled that can be fitted with a browser.




Simplification of the Drivve | Image installation
Starting with the current Drivve | Image release, there will be only one setup for all vendor-specific editions. The setup automatically recognizes the edition of the purchased license.



Removal of vertical and horizontal lines in OCR zones

To improve the quality of OCR results, it is now possible to remove vertical and horizontal lines in OCR zones. To configure the feature, the options Horizontal lines and Vertical lines have been added to the dialog for configuring OCR zones.


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Executing scripts (function Run application, output type File output) with multiple arguments does not work.
  • During the OCR zone analysis, dots in email addresses are recognized as stains and removed.
  • For hotfolder profiles, no zonal OCR is applied to PDF documents.
  • If Finland is configured in the Windows regional settings, you can only configure one digit after the decimal point (instead of two digits) for the function Proportion of white in percent (feature Remove Blank Pages, dialog Remove Blank Pages).

Release Notes Version 7.0.262 (September 15th, 2016)

Error corrections

The following error has been solved in the current version:

  • The output format PDF/A cannot be created.

Release Notes Version 7.0.257 (September 14th, 2016)



Support of Xerox USB keyboards

Drivve | Image now supports Xerox USB keyboards.

Functional restrictions
The Caps Lock key and the numeric keypad cannot be used.


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • If the user selects a query file in the internal SQL editor and closes the editor, an error occurs.
  • During zonal OCR, an error occurs.

Release Notes Version 7.0.225 (August 19th, 2016)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Scanning to Microsoft SharePoint fails.
  • Scanning to Microsoft OneDrive fails.
  • If Drivve | Image is installed on a Exchange Server, problems with Exchange compononents can occur.

Release Notes Version 7.0.204 (July 17th, 2016)


Improvement of the OCR module (I.R.I.S. OCR engine)
The OCR module (IRIS OCR engine) has a few improvements:

Improved docx output:

  • better handling of tabs and underscores
  • better positioning of images, drop caps, and tables
  • better handling of space between paragraphs

All together, these enhancements drastically improve the quality of this mode for docx output.


Improved OCR speed

  • The average speed of OCR sessions for Latin languages has been improved by a range of 13% to 20% (depending on document specificities).
  • Brought back to full process duration of typical OCR workflow (from image loading to output document creation), process duration should be improved by 6% to 15%, as a mean.


Recognition of fractions symbols

  • The OCR engine is now able to recognize fractions ½, ¼ and ¾ in most of supported languages.


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • If Sharp OSA5 devices are used with an external keyboard, an error occurs.
  • If documents are scanned to Sharp  Cloud Portal Office, an error occurs.
  • IP aliases do not work.
  • Under certain circumstances, the imaging function Auto Rotate does not work.
Release Notes Version 7.0.185 (June 20th, 2016)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Verifying variables while the language of the Drivve | Image configuration program is changed/while profiles are imported leads to a time delay.
  • Zonal OCR is only performed if an output format of the OCR license is selected.
  • Drivve | Image does not support IP aliases.

Release Notes Version 7.0.173 (June 3rd, 2016)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • If the output type E-Mail is selected and the server type SMTP Server is configured, it is not possible to manuelly enter values into the fields Sender nameSender e-mail and SMTP Server.
  • If the functions Separate by number of pages and Auto Rotate are enabled, the function Auto Rotate does not work.

Release Notes Version 7.0.160 (May 24th, 2016)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • The online update from Drivve | Image I Version 7.0.110 to Version 7.0.145 fails (Run-time Error 91: Object variable or with block variable not set).
  • The following error occurs for scan profiles with document separation based on barcodes and use of the separation barcode as filename: For the first separated document, all separation barcodes are used as filename, for further separated documents no separation barcode is used as filename.

Release Notes Version 7.0.145 (May 17th, 2016)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • The recursive folder search fails.
  • If an input field of the type Folder selection is created in a scan profile, the corresponding variable is not used in the Output section.
  • If zones for barcodes are defined in a scan profile, no barcode is found.
Release Notes Version 7.0.110 (April 22nd, 2016)


Installation of 64 bit ODBC drivers and ODBC data sources

If the function IIS-Application as 32 bit in the Drivve | Image IIS Config tool is not enabled, the ODBC 64 bit drivers are installed. In addition, the following ODBC data sources are created:

  • Customers CSV
  • Northwind



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • If the checkbox Install IIS-Application as 32 bit is enabled in the IIS configuration tool, other Web applications are set to 32 bit as well. If those applications are started, an error occurs.
  • For Sharp branded Drivve | Image Sharp Edition: Drivve | Image is not displayed in the Sharp look & feel.
  • Sometimes, Drivve | Image does not recognize QR codes.
  • The XML Replace function does not work.
  • If documents are scanned in duplex mode and the function Delete separate page of the Drivve | Image feature Separate documents is enabled, the first page of the document stack to be scanned is deleted.
  • If the option Append to existing file is enabled in the CSV output, the last text limitation character is missing in the first line containing values.
  • If a document library in SharePoint is renamed, the folder of this library are not displayed at the device display. In addition, scanned documents can only be filed in the main folder of the library.
  • Drivve | Image creates secure PDF files although PDF security is not configured. Thus, third-party programs used for processing PDF files cannot access the PDF files.
  • Only Xerox device (older devices of the 73xx series): At the device display, characters within Drivve | Image profiles are barely readable.
  • If the document type NONE is selected within a  Drivve | Image profile with output type Sharp Cloud Portal Office, documents cannot be shared into Sharp Cloud Portal Office.
  • If a character list has been assigned to an OCR zone, the characters of this list are not considered during OCR.
  • In the case of scan profiles with multiple FTP output, only default FTP output works.
  • If document separation based on barcodes is enabled and multiple barcode variables have been defined using the barcode index function, the barcode variables are only filled for the first separated document.
  • If PDF file properties are defined by variables, the values of the variables are not save in the file properties.


Release Notes Version 7.0.60 (March 1st, 2016)

New features

Simplification of the XML output
To transfer documents scanned by Drivve | Image to third-party systems, a special XML format is required. Up to now, a transform file had to be created to get the required XML format.

This procedure has been simplified: It is now possible to use an existing XML file. You only have to add the name of the variables in the file. These will be replaced by Drivve | Image in the XML output.



Behavior of the feature "Bates stamping" and the function "Append to existing file" if multi-processor support is enabled

Scans processed by profiles for which the feature Bates stamping and the function Append to existing file have been enabled are not included in the multi-processor suport - even if multi-processor mode is enabled: These scans are processed one after the other. All other scans which do not correspond to these criteria are processed in multi-processor mode.



Support of MRC compression for PDF files

The feature Convert files provides a new compression method: MRC (Mixed Raster Content) compression.

Using MRC compression, you can reduce the file size of PDF files. MRC (Mixed Raster Content) compression is only available for PDF formats (PDF, PDF/A, PDF (searchable) und PDF/A (searchable)) created using the module Scanner Power Tools (SPT).

Availability of the MCR compression if the Drivve | Image Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Module is licensed
The following function must NOT be enabled if the Drivve | Image Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Module is enabled:
Use I.R.I.S engine for searchable PDFs (feature "Convert files)



Support of JPEG2000 compression for PDF files

The feature Convert files provides a new compression method: JPEG2000 compression.

Using JPEG2000 compression, you can reduce the file size of PDF files.

Availability of the JPEG2000 compression
The JPEG2000 compression is only available for the following PDF formats:
  • PDF (searchable)
  • PDF/A (searchable)
The Drivve | Image Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Module has to be licensed and the checkbox Use I.R.I.S engine for searchable PDFs has to be ticked.



Support of Open Document Format

The feature Convert files provides a new conversion format: Open Document Format (.odt)

Availability of the  Open Document Format
The Open Document Format is only available if the Drivve | Image Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Module is licensed.



Exposure mode OCR (only Xerox devices)

For Xerox devices, a new exposure mode is provided in the Advanced Scanner Preferences:OCR. This setting improves the scan quality.



Possibilty to enable automatic online update

If the user runs a Drivve | Image setup and there is already a newer setup, a message is displayed asking the user if she would like to run the newer setup. If the user confirms, the online update tool is run.



Scanning to WebDav-based applications

The new output type WebDAV allows you to scan documents to WebDAV-based applications.

This function is only available if the following conditions are met:
  • You have a user account of a WebDAV-based application.
  • The Drivve | Image Cloud Connector (CCM) Module is licensed



Scanning to Sharp Cloud Portal Office

The new output type Sharp Cloud Portal Office allows you to scan documents to Sharp Cloud Portal Office. You can either select a folder in Sharp Cloud Portal Office in which documents are scanned or create new folders. In addition, you can assign index fields from Sharp Cloud Portal Office to the scanned document.

This function is only available if the following conditions are met:
  • You have Sharp Cloud Portal Office business account.
  • A Sharp Cloud Portal Office data source has been created in the Drivve | Image configuration program.
  • The Drivve | Image Cloud Connector (CCM) Module is licensed.



Support for Sharp OSA5 devices



New output type Database

Using the new output type Database you can update existing fields in ODBC databases and insert new data records in ODBC databases.

To use the output type Database, the following conditions have to be met:
  • An ODBC data source has been created in the Drivve | Image configuration program.
  • The Drivve | Image Universal Database Connector (UDC) Module is licensed.



Single Sign-on support including password cache

Drivve | Image now supports Single Sign-on support including password cache for the use with a third-party print management solution:

The user logs on to the print managment solution. She then can access her personal Drivve | Image profiles without having to enter her password again.

To use Single Sign-on with password cache, the following conditions have to be met:

  • An LDAP data source has been created in the Drivve | Image configuration program.
  • The Drivve | Image Print Management Connector (PMC) Module is licensed.


Note: Single Sign-on with Drivve | Print
For Single Sign-on with Drivve | Print, the Drivve | Image  Print Management Connector (PMC) Module is not required.



Support of the format 1.7 PDF/A 2b
Drivve | Image supports the PDF formats 1.7PDF/A 2a and 1.7PDF/A 2b

This PDF format is only available if the following conditions are met:

  • The Drivve | Image Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Module is licensed.
  • In the feature Convert files, the function Use I.R.I.S. engine for creating searchable PDFs is enabled.
Parallel processing of OCR processes

Using the parallel processing of OCR processes, the speed of the OCR processing is increased. The speed depends on the number of cores available.

The function is only available if the following conditions are met:

  • The Drivve | Image Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Module is licensed.
  • You are using the I.R.I.S OCR component.


Determining fields of the CSV output

It is now possible to determine the field of the Drivve | Image CSV output.


Product Enhancements

Support of multiple transform files/replace files for profiles with multiple file output

In the case of profiles with multiple file output, it is possible to use one transform file/replace file for each file output.



Switching to 32-bit mode
Drivve | Image now can be started in 32-bit and 64-bit mode. To select the required mode, a checkbox has been added within the Drivve | Image IIS configuration dialog.



Supported languages for OCR (only I.R.I.S. OCR component)

For the I.R.I.S OCR component, you can select the languages applied during the OCR procession. By default, only the installation language is selected.


Display of the rotation direction

In the Preferences dialog of the feature Image Processing, the direction of the Rotation function is displayed.



Additional settings in the "Advanced Options" settings of the feature "Barcode Recognition"

Two new functions have been added to the feature Barcode Recognition to darken/brighten a document in order to find barcodes:

  • Erode and retry (brightens the document)
  • Dilate an retry (darkens the document)



SharePoint: Check of write permissions

A new setting in the Input Section of a SharePoint profile allows to display only SharePoint document libraries and folders the user as write perrmissions for.



New license for scanning into Microsoft OneDrivve and Google Drive

Starting with Drivve | Image version 7.0, the Cloud Connector (CCM) Module has to be licensed to create profiles for scanning in Microsoft OneDrivve and Google Drive.



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • If a DocuShare data source is added, a timeout occurs.
  • If the imaging function Deskew is enabled, the document is rotated by 45 degree.
  • If a page is scanned in duplex mode, only the punchholes on one side are removed.


Release Notes Version 6.1.316 (February 8th, 2016)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • The file output does not create any CSV files, although the function Create CSV File in the Output area of the profile is enabled.
Release Notes Version 6.1.309 (January 26th, 2016)


Product Enhancements

Hotfolder profiles: Filling input fields using the XML file of the file pair

For hotfolder profiles, it is now possible to define an XPath as default value of an input field. This allows to fill input fields using the XML file of the file pair.


Enhanced creation of XML data source

If an XML data source is created, an ODBC data source is created both under 32bit and under 64bit in the registry.


Removal of the first page in a duplex scan

New function in the feature Separate Documents: This function allows to remove only the first page in a duplex scan.


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Sharp-OSA 5 devices are not detected.
  • Only Kyocera devices: It is not possible to do a duplex scan or scan from the platen.
  • In the case of the feature Zonal-OCR, the list of the supported languages is not loaded correctly.
  • In the case of input fields of the type Folder Selection, an error occurs.
  • When the user scans to SharePoint, an error occurs, when the file name of the scanned document contains the "Document pages" variable.
  • If an LDAP query is configured in a Lotus Notes profile, a DN error occurs.
  • If the output type Email is selected and the function Add document as attachment is disabled, the message displayed is in German.
  • If files are imported into a hotfolder, the majority of the files ends up in the directory ..\Drivve Image\Work\Error.


Release Notes Version 6.1.281 (December 2nd, 2015)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • If a document is scanned in duplex mode with separation and the option Delete separation page is enabled, the backside of the separation page is not deleted.
  • If the user selects an SQL querry for an SQL field, Drivve | Image fails.
  • The description of the following button displayed at the device is not clear: Button used to switch on/off the function Predefined number of pages of the feature Separate Documents.
  • Drivve | Image does not accept the licenses Pack 1 EU and Pack 2 EU.

Release Notes Version 6.1.268 (October 30th, 2015)

Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Colored watermarks are displayed in black and white
  • On the device display, instead of the description question marks are displayed below the Drivve | Image loge
  • In the case of documents converted to PDF/a by Drivve | Image, the PDF/a verification within processing systems delivers a negative result.
  • If the auto color detection is disabled, Drivve | Image converts all documents into black and white.
  • In the case of Kyocera documents, an error message is shown at the device display after a new installation or an update of Drivve | Image.
  • If scanned documents are sent via email, email encoding problems can occur.

Release Notes Version 6.1.250 (October 8th, 2015)

New Features

New Drivve | Image App for OKI Edition
For new OKI devices (sXP interface), a new additional Drivve | Image App is provided. This app has the same functions as the previous one.


Product Enhancements

End of official Drivve support for Worldox


Button for transfering the serial number (only Samsung Edition)

In the device dialog, a new button has been added for Samsung devices. This button can be used to enter the serial number in the device dialog if the serial number has not been read out correctly during the installation.


Error corrections

The following errors have been solved in the current version:

  • Documents scanned in color mode are mirrowed.
  • In the case of profiles (output format PDF (searchable)) containing input fields the values of which are to be added to the document properties, the following error occurs: The names of the input fields are added to the document properties instead of the actual values of the input fields.
  • From time to time, the conversion of scanned PDF documents into searchable PDF files leads to processing errors.
  • In the case of documents with a barcode separation page (barcodes contains the name of the directory) and a first page containing a barcode (barcode contains the name of the file), the value of the barcode on the first page is twice use as file name.
  • Lexmark license tickets cannot be installed within the setup of the Lexmark edition.

Release Notes Version 6.1.170 (August 6th, 2015)

Product Enhancements

  New field "Use default scan template" in the Xerox scanner settings

In the scanner settings of Xerox devices, the function Use default scan template has been added. If the function is enabled, the Xerox default scan template is used instead of the template generated by Drivve | Image at runtime.


Docushare: Display of the file name without file extension

Documents scanned to DocuShare are displayed in DocuShare without file name extension.


Selection of the of the Drivve | DM data source in the Drivve | Image "Output" section

In the case of Drivve | DM profiles with input fields and multiple Drivve | DM data sources, the data source configured in the Input section is automatically used in the Output section.



Notification for the output type "Email"

A message is displayed for profiles with the output type Email if no further output types are enabled and the function Add document as attachment is disabled.


New default value of the function"Smooth Color Images" (I.R.I.S. OCR options)

The function Smooth Color Images in  the I.R.I.S. OCR options is enabled by default.



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • Samsung devices:
    If the Job build option is enabled in the scanner settings, no profiles can be saved.
  • User management Canon ScanFront 220P/Fujitsu devices:
    If a folder search is configured for the logged on user, an error occurs.
  • Canon ScanFront devices:
    In the case of color or grayscale scans, documents cannot be processed.
  • Profiles with the output type "Drivve DM":
    The Drivve | DM field Filing type is not displayed.
  • Profiles of the type "Printer":
    The Advanced button is displayed at the device display.
  • Documents for which the value of the extracted barcodes shall be used as file name of the output file:
    In the case of color scans and high file compression, the barcode values are not used as file names of the output files

  • If the I.R.I.S. component is enabled and the password protection for the PDF conversion is switched on, an error occurs.
  • The output file consists of one single page although the scanned document consists of multiple pages.
  • In the XML meta data output, the file path to the Drivve | Image application finishes with a dot.
  • Barcodes containing mutated vowels are not extracted correctly.
  • Problems occur when Drivve | Image is installed on 32-bit operational systems.
  • If the option Drivve Service User is enabled in the authentication options, the fields for entering and confirming the password are displayed
  • In scanned documents, customer logos are detected as barcodes.

  • While Drivve | Image is updated via the Online Update Tool, an error occurs (error message indication that a file is accessed and for this reason cannot be installed.


Hotfolder profiles

  • In the case of hotfolder profiles with output Drivve | DM, PDF files are not saved in Drivve | DM. The files stay in the internal work\service folder.
  • If the I.R.I.S component is enabled and documents with a high amount of pages are processed, an error occurs.
  • If the PDF conversion of the I.R.I.S. component is enabled, files being not image files are not processed.
  • If non image files or non-PDF files are dropped into a hotfolder, Drivve | Image tries to process those files.


Hotfolder profiles (NFR licenses)

  • Sometimes, Drivve | Image does not add a watermark to the pages of the output file.
  • If Drivve | Image adds a watermark on the pages of the output file, the file size increases enormously.

Release Notes Version 6.1.109 (July 1st, 2015)

New Features

Lexmark Edition

Drivve | Image now supports Lexmark devices. All Lexmark devices supporting Flash (devices with Framework 3.x and 4.x) are supported by Drivve | Image.

Drivve | Image Google Integration
For the Drivve | Image Google Drive integration, you need a Google Apps account.
The Drivve | Image Google integration offers the following function:
  • Scanning documents to Google Drive
  • Browsing folders in Google Drive and creating new folders
  • Sending documents per email via Google Drive (emails appear in the user's Sent folder
  • Scanning documents into the user's Google Drive home folder
  • Selecting documents in Google Drive and printing them (profile type Google)
  • Single Sign-on integration with local Active Directory (or another LDAP directory)
    Thanks to this function, users only need to authenticate once at the local Active Directory. Hence, they can use all Google features without having to authenticate another time.

To configure scan profiles with the functionalities described above, the Drivve | Image configuration program provides a new data source type, a new index field type and a new output type.


Drivve | Image Microsoft OneDrive Business Integration
For the Drivve | Image Microsoft OneDrive integration, you need a Microsoft OneDrive Business account.
Drivve | Image now supports scanning to Microsoft OneDrivve Business. In addition, users can browse folders in Microsoft OneDrivve Business and create new folders.
To create Microsoft OneDrivve Business scan profiles, the Drivve | Image configuration program provides a new data source type, a new index field type and a new output type.

New data source type XML data source

The new data source type XML data source XML data source allows to create a Microsoft Access database from an XML file which can be querried via SQL. The retrieved data can be used in Drivve | Image for further processing.


Product Enhancements

New I.R.I.S-OCR component

Drivve | Image Version 6.1 uses a new I.R.I.S-OCR compent.


Creating SharePoint datasources

For the creation of SharePoint data sources, it is now possible to use user accounts without site administrator privileges.


Usage of the default scan template on Xerox devices

When using Xerox devices, the default scan template can now be used as bases for the scan settings.


Labeling of input fields without a license

If an input field is configured that does not have the required license, it is now marked red.


Comment field added to the dialog "Add functions and variables"

A comment field has been added to the dialog Add functions and variables. This field allows to the user to add description to the functions he/she has configured in this dialog. Note: The comment field is only available if the the dialog Add functions and variables is opened in the Input section.

Creating SQL querries witht the integrated SQL generator

Up to now, it was not possible to use the integrated SQL generator in order to create a querry on numeric data types using the '{INPUT}’ variable: In this case, the generator displayed an SQL syntax error. This is reason, the SQL query had to be created in a text editor.
In the current Drivve | Image version, the SQL generator can be used for this aim: For this aim, the function ASCII (<String>) has to be used which returns a numeric value.


Revision of the function "Delete Bank Pages"

The Drivve | Image feature Delete Blank Pages has been revised:

  • The Proportion of white in percent (defines the maximum percentage of white pixels which allows to detect a page as blank page) has be renamed to Maximum percentage of blank pixels. The user can enter a value up to 100%, the default value is 99,98%
  • The Margin function  excludes a margin from the detection of blank pages. The margin covers 1/14 of the width on each side, and 1/14 of the height on each side.

The procedure for testing the settings of the feature has been changed as well:

  • If the Margin function has been enabled in the settings, a margin is displayed for the selected document shown in the viewer.
  • If the function Delete pages is not enabled in the viewer and the user click the Run button, all document pages detected as blank pages are shown with a green tick.


Hotfolder: Support of the feature "Bates Numbering" for PDF documents

If hotfolders are used, it is now possible to use the feature Bates Numbering for PDF documents.


Hotfolder: Support of the function "Auto color detection" for PDF documents

It is now possible to apply the function Auto color detection (feature Image Processing) for PDF documents processed by hotfolders.


Multiple Drivve | DM data sources
If several Drivve | DM data sources have been created within the Drivve | Image configuration program, only one single data source can be selected in a profile. The following rules apply:

  • In the Input section, the data source of the Drivve | DM index field which was added last or the data source of which was changed last is automatically selected for each Drivve | DM index field
  • In the Output section (output type Drivve | DM), the data source selected for the Drivve | DM index fields of the Input section is automatically selected. In this section, the user cannot select another data source.


Caution: Starting with Drivve | Image Version 6.1 Microsoft Server 2003 is no longer supported.



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • Only Cannon ScanFront devices: In the case of Drivve | DM profiles with the following scanner settings, an error occurs:

    - Color mode: Color, Grayscal

    - File format PDF/A

    The error message indicates the the file format is not supported.

  • The job build function does not work on Toshiba devices.
  • The following Swedish characters are not recognized by the Barcode detection: ÅÄÖ
  • In the case of documents the email recipient is detect via barcode and If condition, the mail with the scanned document is sent to the wrong email address.
  • Sometimes, the customer logo on document is detected as barcode.
  • It is not possible to convert a PDF document into the format PDF(searchable) using a Hotfolder profile.
  • Problems regarding the Online Update during the installation have been resolved.
  • Even though the output option "no conversion" was configured in a Drivve | DM output, OCR was executed.
  • An error occurred on a ScanFront 220/300 if an input field of the type "Browse Folder" was used.
  • It could happen that in spite of a image processing error, no error notification e-mail was sent.
  • If Document Separation was enabled together with Format Conversion set to MS Word, an error occurred.
  • When selecting users/groups using the Active Directory Users and Groups dialog, not all selected users/groups were saved.
  • The calculation of the font size using Bates Stamps is not accurate.
  • Old files in the directory ...\Drivve\Drivve Image\work\BeforeConversion are not deleted.

Release Notes Version 6.0.188 (April 29th, 2015)


The following error has been corrected in the current version:

  • Using Hotfolder profiles, PDF documents cannot be converted to TIFF - even if the module SPT for Hotfolder is licensed.
  • Separation pages are not deleted if the function Remove separation page after OCR is enabled as well as the conversion to PDF or PDF (searchable).
  • The Autorotate function does not work in the cases of Hotfolder profiles.
  • If the function run a program is enabled, scanned documents remain in the Work folder although processing and output are finished.
  • In the PDF settings (only PDF (searchable) and PDF/A (searchable) if the I.R.I.S OCR component is used), the function Insert graphic cannot be saved.

Release Notes Version 6.0.166 (April 9th, 2015)


The following error has been corrected in the current version:

  • Barcodes are not recognized

Release Notes Version 6.0.155 (April 91st, 2015)


The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • In the case of Drivve | DM data sources, the Drivve | Image dialog Data Source does not show the correct names of the Drivve | DM data sources.

  • The I.R.I.S OCR component does not convert color TIFF files into the format PDF (searchable).

  • Hotfolders (SPT module) do not convert PDF files into the format PDF (searchable).

Release Notes Version 6.0.138 (March 25th, 2015)


The following error has been corrected in the current version:

  • In certain cases, scanned documents cannot be copied to the output folder if specific permissions are configured for this folder.

Release Notes Version 6.0.73 (February 25th, 2015)


The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • If trial licenses are loaded, an error occurs.
  • If the user scans from the platen, an error occurs (only Samsung Edition).
  • The web simulation does not work (only Canon Edition).

Release Notes Version 6.0.67 (February 5th, 2015)

New Features
Creating PDF (searchable) and PDF/A (searchable) with the module "Scanner Power Tools" (SPT)

The OCR function PDF (searchable) and PDF/A (searchable) is now part of the Drivve | Image module Scanner Power Tools (SPT). Both formats can be selected within the feature Convert files. In addition, it is possible to create a searchable text file for the scanned document in the Output section (output type File output, function Create OCR text file).



Drivve | Image Update Wizard

It is now possible to search and install Drivve | Image updates online using the Drivve | Image Update Wizard. The tool can be started in the Drivve | Image configuration program selecting the menu item Tools > Check for updates. The tool provides the following functions:

  • Verifying if there is a new Drivve | Image update (which has not been installed yet) and installing it
  • Selecting update packages and installing them


Importing and exporting devices

In the Drivve | Image configuration program, it is now possible to import devices from a CSV file into the device management and register the Drivve | Image application automatically on the devices.


The user can download a CSV template to enter the data of the device to be imported. In addition, it is possible to export devices from the device management in a CSV file. The dialog for importing and exporting devices can be opened clicking the Import / Export button in the device management dialog.



Email notification for successful scans

The user logged on at the device can be notified via email if documents have been successfully scanned. A default email address can be specified to which the notification is sent if no log on user can be determined.

The necessary settings can be configured on the tab E-mail notification of the dialog Additional Scan Profile Settings (Options section, Profile area, Edit button).



New function "Auto color detection" added to the feature "Image Processing"

The function Auto color detection has been added to the feature Image Processing. This function detects the color scheme (black and white, grayscale, color) of the scanned document and calculates the minimum color depth possible. Thus, the file size of the scanned document can be reduced.



Getting NFR licenses using the Drivve | Image licensing wizard

It is possible to get NFR (Not for Resale) licenses using the licensing wizard.

Product Enhancements

Enhanced scan options (Toshiba Edition, OKI Edition)

The scanner settings for Toshiba/OKI devices have been enhanced by the following additional functions:

  • Document Style
  • Original size
  • Contrast
  • Sharpness
  • Rotation
  • Compression Level



Changed procedure for getting trial licenses

In the licensing wizard, you can now only get one trial license including all available Drivve | Image module.



Document preview showing a document before and after image processing
The Drivve | Image feature Image Processing has been enhanced: If you have configured the functions of the feature, you can test the settings using a sample document. A document preview is shown before and after image processing:

  • Left hand side of the preview
    On this side the original document is shown.
  • Right hand side of the preview
    If you click the Start button, the configured functions of feature Image Processing are applied to the document shown on this side of the preview.

Thus, you can easiliy compare the differences between the original document and the document after the application of the feature Image Processing.



Variable for the profile name

The name of a profile can be selected as variable in the dialog Add functions and variables. Possible use case: The variable can be used in email notifications. Thus, it is possible to inform the recipient of the email about the name of the profile used.


Enhanced rights check

The new function Resolve AD SID's (menu item Tools > Options, Global settings dialog, Shared login tab) is used to check the folders a user is allowed to see.



Defining the SNMP read community in the global settings

In the Advanced tab of the dialog Global Settings, the SNMP read community can be specified.



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • The user can scan documents to SharePoint (Office 365), however he cannot browse folders.
  • An error occurs if the user opens a multi-page PDF document in the dialog Zonal OCR.
  • If the user opens a multi-page PDF document in the dialog Zonal OCR, the error message is displayed in French although the language of the Drivve | Image configuration program is English.
  • If Drivve | Print is used for authentication, the user logged on might

    a) see folders for which he has no rights

    b) not see folders for which he does have rights

  • A high number of scan profiles may result in a loss of performance for each single scan.

Release Notes Version 5.1.586 (December 9th, 2014)


Product Enhancements
New variable added to the dialog "Add functions and variables"
The new variable User email address was added to the dialog Add functions and variables.

This variable is only available in the Input section and can be selected as default value of an index field.



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • The automatic registration of the Drivve | Image application on OKI devices fails.
  • Scans fail at Toshiba devices if SSL is enabled in the Web Services.

  • For some Sharp devices, the Job built function is active although it has not been enabled in the Drivve | Image configuration program.

  • If the function Run a program (output type File output) and the feature Separate documents are enabled in a profile, the configured program is run for each separated document. If a large number of separated documents is separated within a scan job, this can lead to problems with the Drivve | Image server.

  • If the logon user is transferred to Drivve | Image with fully qualified user name (for example domain\user name), Drivve | Image cannot resolve the user name:
    Searching Active Directory Service for this user delivers no result.
  • It is not possible to the SSO Lite bundle cannot be activated.


Release Notes Version 5.1.560 (November 12th, 2014)

Product Enhancements
Drivve | Image supports the new Sharp model MX-C301W



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • Hotfolders do not process files with the same file name.
  • The  feature Barcode Recognition does not work if the feature Delete Blank Pages is enabled.
  • Under certain circumstances, no scan profiles are displayed if the user logs on to Drivve | Image via Drivve | Print using a card.
  • Hotfolders do not pass through files with unsupported file formats such as XLS or DOC. Instead, those files are stored in the directory ...\Drivve\Drivve Image\work\error
  • When sending faxes via Tobit, Drivve | Image passes the wrong file format to Tobit. Hence, the fax cannot be sent.
  • Barcode filters the name of which consist of numbers only are not shown in the user interface.

  • After the end of the document separation, the value of the variable Barcode (Document Separation) is not reset.

  • The processing of large documents takes very long.

  • Drivve | Image does not process files in the order they arrived at the internal hotfolder.
  • If the Drivve | Image licensing cannot establish a connection to the license server, an error message is displayed indicating that the computer has not connection to the internet.
  • Under certain circumstances it is not possible to extract data from OCR zones using regular expressions.


Release Notes Version 5.1.530 (October 7th, 2014)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: Neue Features, Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.1.530)

Release Notes Version 5.1.509 (September 15th, 2014)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: New features, enhancements and bugfixes (Version 5.1.509)

Release Notes Version 5.1.395 (July 6th, 2014)

Product Enhancements

The scan quality on Toshiba devices has been enhanced.



The following errors have been corrected in the current version:

  • The Single Sign-On configuration leads to an error message on the device panel.
  • When processing large color jobs, an error occurs.
  • An “Out of memory” error can occur when color jobs are processed.
  • An error message is shown during uninstall of an existing older version.

Release Notes Version 5.1.377 (June 26th, 2014)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: New features, enhancements and bugfixes (Version 5.1.270)

Release Notes Version 5.0.740 (March 4th, 2014)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: Neue Features, Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.740)

Release Notes Version 5.0.666 (December 20th, 2013)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: Neue Features, Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.665)

Release Notes Version 5.0.642 (November 18th, 2013)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: Neue Features, Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.XXX)

Release Notes Version 5.0.495 (July 3rd, 2013)

 Document content: Neue Features, Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.495)

Release Notes Version 5.0.465 (May 25th, 2013)

 Inhalt des Dokuments: Neue Features, Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.465)

Release Notes Version 5.0.375 (March 20th, 2013)
   Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.375)
Release Notes Version 5.0.360 (March 11th, 2013)
   Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.360)
Release Notes Version 5.0.309 (February 6th, 2013)
   Produktverbesserungen und Fehlerbeseitigungen (Version 5.0.309)
Release Notes Version 5.0.239 (January 7th, 2013)

 New features, enhancements and bugfixes (version 5.0.239)
Release Notes Version 5.0.169 (November 22nd, 2012)

New Features
 Advanced options of meta data 

 Kyocera connection properties support

New "Print" output type added

The output type "Print" was added. This output type enables the user

  • to pass scanned documents to a printer
  • control the number of copies and the target printing device using variables

New menu item "Change scan profiles" added

The menu item "Change scan profiles" has been added to the "Edit" menu. This menu items opens a dialog in which the user can enable/disable or delete several scan profiles in one step.


New variable "OCR Text"

A new variable called <OCR Text> is provided in the "Add functions and variables" dialog (Variables > Default > OCR Text). Thus, it is possible to use the OCR text even without defining a OCR zone.

 Registration of Drivve | Image on Toshiba devices
 Enhancement of the firewall support
 Offline registration of additional licenses

 Restriction of the dialog "Add functions and variables"

 Use of inactive network adapters
 Error when creating CSV data sources

 Exchange Server Datasource configuration test 
 Language of the distributors in the "Output" section not changed

 License assignment lost
 Web simulator shows devices without assigned license

 Wildcard function does not work correctly in LDAP input fields
Release Notes Version 5.0 (October 10th, 2012)


Note: New licensing

Starting with Drivve | Image 5,  there will be no more server licenses. Licensing will depend on the number of devices you want to use with Drivve | Image, i.e., for each device you have to order on license.


New features and enhancements

New Features

Page count added to XML/CSV output

The page count of a scanned document was added to the XML/CSV output.

Automatic selection of printer in case "Scan & Print" function enabled

If only one printer is available and the user enables the "Scan & Print" function, the printer is automatically selected.

Edit entries of list input fields

It is now possible to edit entries of input fields of the type "list".

Use device name as variable

The device name as well as the device IP number and the device location can be selected as variable.

Example: You can use the variable Device Name as file name to provide the information which scan device was used.

Hot-folder: Importing meta data

Hot-folders now can import meta data as CSV or XML files. Thus, file pairs, e.g., a PDF file and its meta data file, can be imported.

To enable the import of meta data, proceed as follows:

  • Click the button Add new profile and enable the checkbox Processing of image and index file only (csv, xml).

Note: The import of a file pair requires the same name of both files.

Hot-folder: Converting PDF to TIF

Hot-folders are now able to convert PDF documents to other file formats. The following formats are supported:

  • JPEG
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • TGA
  • PCX
  • GIF
  • BMP
  • PPM
  • PGM
  • EPIC
  • EXIF
  • MOD
  • CALS
  • WBMP
  • DIB
  • TIFF G4
  • TIFF G3
  • TIFF
  • TIFF PackBits
  • TIFF Deflete
  • TIFF G3 2D
  • ICO
  • DCX
  • PDF (searchable)
  • Text
  • RTF
  • Excel 2003
  • Word 2003
  • CSV

Lotus Notes | Domino Connector

The Lotus Notes | Domino Connector provides the possibility to send scanned documents via emails using the Lotus Notes Domino Server. By means by the LDAP protocol, the user authentifies himself to Lotus Notes and has access to the Lotus Notes address books. In addition, the user can drop emails in his Drafts folder. Thus, he can edit his emails before sending them.

Multiple output of the same output type

Drivve | Image allows you multiple output for one single output type.

Example: The output type "File output" is selected and the scanned documents are saved to three different folders.

SQL editor

Drivve | Image provides an SQL editor you can use to edit SQL querries. The SQL editor is displayed automatically if you add an input field of the type SQL Query and select a file containing an SQL query (using the button to the right-hand side of the field SQL File Path).

Default email address/default fax number

If documents are always to be sent (as email or fax) to the same recipient, you can create a default email address/default fax number:

  1. Create an input field (type = Text).
  2. From the Usage drop-down list, select E-Mail Subject/Fax number.
  3. In the field Default Value, enter the required email-address/fax number.
  4. In the Output area, select the output type E-Mail/Fax.

Soft-keyboard support (Sharp OSA)

If the user adds a new Sharp OSA device to the device managment, the following two soft-keyboard options are available:

  • Use device soft-keyboard as default
    Possibility to use the internal Sharp soft-keyboard (can be displayed by a button in Drivve | Image)
  • Automatically show device soft-keyboard
    Automatic display of the internal Sharp soft-keyboard. Prerequisite: The function Use device soft-keyboard as default is enabled.


Hot-folder: Definition of file types to be processed

A hot-folder scan profile can now be limited to specific file types that it should process such as pdf and tiff. Thus, any other file type coming into the hot-folder will not be processed.

This setting can be configured in

  • the field File extensions in the dialog Add new profile
  • the field File extensions in the dialog Change hotfolder (menu item Edit > Change hotfolder)

Function "Append to existing file"

When appending a scanned document to an existing one, you can now choose whether the document is appended at the end or at the top of the existing file.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Output area and enable File Output.
  2. Enable the field Append to existing file.
  3. Click the button.

  4. In the dialog Output settings, enable the required option.



Warning in the case of installing Drivve | Image on a Small Business Server

If Drivve | Image is installed on Small Business Server, a warning is displayed.This warning indicates that installation on a Small Business Server is not recommended, because it might lead to performance problems.

Simultaneous removal of all devices from the device list

In the dialog Device List (Options area, Edit button in the area Device Selection), the None button has added. Using this button you can remove all devices from the selection with one single click.

User impersonation: Configuration of the logon types

The logon type of the user impersonation ( Tools > Options, dialog Global setting, tab shared login) can be configured.

The following logon types can be configurated:

Logon type Explanation
LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH This logon type is intended for batch servers, where processes may be executing on behalf of a user without their direct intervention. This type is also for higher performance servers that process many plaintext authentication attempts at a time, such as mail or web servers.
LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE This logon type is intended for users who will be interactively using the computer, such as a user being logged on by a terminal server, remote shell, or similar process. This logon type has the additional expense of caching logon information for disconnected operations; therefore, it is inappropriate for some client/server applications, such as a mail server.
LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK This logon type is intended for high performance servers to authenticate plaintext passwords. The LogonUser function does not cache credentials for this logon type.
LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK_CLEARTEXT This logon type preserves the name and password in the authentication package, which allows the server to make connections to other network servers while impersonating the client. A server can accept plaintext credentials from a client, call LogonUser, verify that the user can access the system across the network, and still communicate with other servers.

This logon type allows the caller to clone its current token and specify new credentials for outbound connections. The new logon session has the same local identifier but uses different credentials for other network connections.

This logon type is supported only by the LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50 logon provider.

LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE Indicates a service-type logon. The account provided must have the service privilege enabled.

GINAs are no longer supported.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This logon type is for GINA DLLs that log on users who will be interactively using the computer. This logon type can generate a unique audit record that shows when the workstation was unlocked.

Support for Foxit® PDF-Reader

Drivve | Image now supports the Foxit® PDF-Reader (http://www.foxitsoftware.com/Secure_PDF_Reader) as PDF engine. If installed, it wil take predence.



Release Notes Version 9.0.420 (April, 1st 2020)

Error corrections

  • An issue with LDAP group search was resolved when a different BaseDN than the initial user search is used.

  • File output fails if only Barcode recognition is active.
  • The filter for separation barcode within the variables did not work as expected.
  •  An error log entry "Drivve.Base.DrivveSecurity Error on decryption" could happen in certain cases.
  • Installation on Sharp MX-B456W does not work.
  • Ricoh devices show warning dialog on https server urls with self signed certificates


  • Include actual dpi value for HP device resolution scan settings

  • Optimisation for HP slow scanning performance
  • Support for SSL of Lexmark devices including transfer of large scans
  • Support of variable replacement of scan job description



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