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LRS Output Management for Epic

With VPSX/EI (Epic® Interface) software, you can ensure fast, reliable delivery of physicians' orders, patient wristbands, prescriptions, and other critical documents.

LRS VPSX for Epic supports all Epic application output and gives you one platform to print, view, archive, or email. We provide an output middleware platform to centrally control all output as well as eliminate the need to define and maintain Windows® print servers, print queues, and printer drivers.

Standard Epic printing environments provide no feedback to Epic users when document delivery has failed. LRS software not only enables status feedback to users, it also allows all EPS services to be consolidated on the VPSX/EI host server. When needed, LRS software also converts Epic front-end documents from PDF to printer-ready format.

Our customers can save up to five minutes per document reprint per patient; providing much more time for nurses and physicians to spend with patients

Integration with Epic

LRS software supports all the open systems platforms on which Epic EMR software runs on including UNIX®, Linux®, and Windows. Using a documented Epic interface, the VPSX/EI solution provides detailed print status feedback to Epic system users, thus avoiding printing errors. 

In the event of a printing problem, a document can be manually rerouted or diverted by the end-user, ensuring business critical documents always get printed as they are needed. LRS software also provides SNMP alerting capabilities to devices for paper jams, out of paper conditions, low toner and interprets Epic metadata to dynamically select printer trays with tamper-proof paper or other specialty stock.

How EMR Print Management Works

Benefits of the LRS Integrated Print Solution

Together, the combination of LRS software and intelligent print hardware:

  • Provides a single point of control for an unlimited number of devices
  • Eliminates reliance on costly Windows® print servers
  • Improves EPS performance by offloading the print burden
  • Provides a fully documented audit trail of who, when and where documents were viewed or printed to aid in HIPAA compliance
  • Reports job status back to Epic applications for more effective troubleshooting 
  • Allows for future growth of document management functions, including control of Windows and other application print as well as document archives, e-delivery, and more

Healthcare Support

Summary Report


LRS extension products provide a fully documented audit trail of who, when & where documents were printed or viewed to aid compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Authorized end users can also search all documents for a value (e.g., patient name, procedure, account number) and view the “hits” online instantaneously. This audit trail can also be used to measure and analyze output to facilitate management reporting and cost analysis.

Working on a laptop

Electronic delivery of critical care information

PageCenterX® software from LRS combines with the VPSX/EI solution to provide fail-safe electronic distribution of reports such as MAR and Physician Rounding Reports for continuity during downtime events.

Our software analyzes document contents for rules-based distribution to the correct destination. Once complete, the documents are then electronically delivered to nursing stations and remote facilities.

Output Infrastructure

LRS software makes the most of system resources and relieves Epic and other applications of the burden of managing document delivery to printers and other devices.

The LRS software replaces incumbent print infrastructure and lets you reduce the  overall number of print servers. Our software also enables remote clinicians to access their documents via a web browser, printing what they need on devices at their location, i.e., home, clinic.

Centralized Cerner Printing.png
EOM healthcare infographic

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LRS provides market-leading output and print management solutions. Scalable for hospitals and institutions of any size, our Healthcare and EMR (Electronic Medical Record) printing software bridges the gap between digital and physical documents for the secure and reliable delivery of patient records and other sensitive documents.

Learning More about VPSX/EI

On Demand Graphic with Computer

Documents, Mobility and how to improve the End User Experience

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On Demand Graphic with Computer

Manage Your Healthcare EMR Printing and Downtime Reporting

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On Demand Graphic with Computer

Safeguarding documents in the digital workplace

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US healthcare company case study

LRS Customer Story

Print server consolidation, streamlined support and secure EMR (Cerner & Epic) and Windows printing. - Read More

Cloud Printing

SaaS, PaaS or to run your own Cloud Printing Solution on Premise

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Managed Services

Print Scan and Output Management Cloud Service

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SAP Output Management

SAP Certified Scan, Print and Output Management

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EMR Output

Improving healthcare printing & document delivery for faster, better patient care

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