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OCR Text Recognition

Create editable and searchable documents

The MFPsecure®/Scan (Optical Character Recognition) Module reads and searches your scanned documents. This powerful feature enables you to convert your scans into searchable PDF files, transforming paper documents into editable data or filtering data like a contract or customer number from a scanned contract.

Whether you need OCR to convert your simple image scans to searchable PDFs, to extract a contract or customer number from a scanned contract in order to use it MFPsecure®/Scan OCR Scanning software can support all your scanning needs.

Drivve Image OCR Text Recognition Graphic

Create searchable PDF documents

Generate readable and searchable PDF documents and generate PDF/A output format for the long-term archiving of your electronic documents. PDF encryption ensures that confidential information remains private.

Drivve Image Create searchable PDF documents Graphic

Create editable documents in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel

Once documents are scanned with MFPsecure®/Scan, they can be stored and sent in editable formats including Microsoft® Word, Microsoft Excel®, OpenDocument Text, RTF or Text.

Drivve Image Editable documents in Microsoft Word or Excel Graphic

Autorotate documents

Getting perfectly scanned document can be a challenge. Through the use of MFPsecure®/Scan OCR functions, you can autorotate pages making sure your document is always .

Drivve Image Autorotate documents Graphic

Define zones and read text only within these zones

Use MFPsecure®/Scan Zonal OCR to process information within defined sections of your scanned document. Enhanced string manipulation allows you to analyze functions on any type of data generated from OCR zones. Search for an invoice number within an OCR zone or search and replace certain characters in a zone.

Zonal OCR provides a way automate the data entry associated with imaging tasks. This helps you instantly export processed metadata to a third-party app or database.

Drivve Image OCR Module Define Zones Graphic

Turn your multifunction devices into OCR document scanners with Drivve document management software to optimize your print fleet and improve operational efficiency within your enterprise. Contact us to learn more.

Input output graphic


MFPsecure/Scan is a high-performance, feature-rich document scanning software that offers you a smart way to enhance and seamlessly integrate your document management workflows into your information infrastructure. 

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Secure scan menu

Managing Scan and Print Workflows from Multi-Function Devices - On Demand Webinar

LRS is Standard, Multivendor, and Secure. A “single point of control” software layer to manage secure delivery of all scanning, printing, and pull print functions across the enterprise for any multifunctional device. Watch Now.

Cloud Printing

SaaS, PaaS or to run your own Cloud Printing Solution on Premise

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Managed Services

Print Scan and Output Management Cloud Service

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SAP Output Management

SAP Certified Scan, Print and Output Management

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EMR Output

Improving healthcare printing & document delivery for faster, better patient care

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